Chapter 7

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The hall was filled with so many familiar and unfamiliar faces, I thought I'd actually pass out. For someone who loves the spotlight, I wasn't feeling too great about this one. I just have this feeling....a bad feeling about this.

"You look beautiful my daughter"mommy kisses my head and smiles down at me which made me smile and also kind of eased my nervousness.

"mommy. Are you really not happy with my decision?"I ask her.

She sighs and sits down on the chair opposite me.

"I wasn't at first but the guy is nice. He hasn't given me a reason to not like him. Am not 100% with it but if you want to marry him then there's something great about him that I can't see. Am happy",she explains to me.

"Thank you",I hug her instantly.

"What's wrong? Why's your body so stiff?".

"I just, I don't know. I feel uneasy all of a sudden"I tell her truthfully.

"Everything will be fine inshaAllah. Don't worry".

"The groom is there now. We need the bride",Aaleyah tells us as she walks into the room I was placed in where I get my make up and dresses put on. Am actually feeling myself like, my make up is on point, my dress is lovely and simple which is a huge difference to what I usually like. I wanted to wear something elegant and yeah, but I changed my mind last minute and chose something simple. Mine is kind of a mixture of peach and white while my bridesmaids are white with a gold belt and hijab. I wanted to switch everything up a little.

Bride's Dress:

My bridesmaids which includes Aaleyah, Fatima, Khadija, Aisha, Jumoke and Adunni. Basically all the girls from meeting. We're more close so.

"Are you nervous?",Fatima asks, probably noticing shaky I was.


"Don't be. Once you go there, you get it done and dusted then go home. Easy. Just keep thinking that and you'll be fine",Adunni tells me.

"Okay I'll tr-".

Before I could finish my sentence, the doors were instantly opened revealing the crowded hall. Everyone was already standing up, some with cameras up and some with their phones. Either way they were all waiting for me, the bride to enter.

"I can't do this",I start to turn around but Aaleyah pushes me inside the hall before I could escape then she stands behind me and holds on tight to my shoulder.

"You'll be fine"she whispers then her and Fatima basically drag me onto the entry carpet.

First face I saw was Aayans. He was dressed in a suit, similar to what most of the males were wearing. I don't know what he was feeling but whatever it was died down because as soon as he catches my gaze, he puts on a fake smile.

"Stop looking at Aayan, people are confused. Who are you marrying, Aayan or Abidoun?",Aaleyah whispers.

"Sorry"I look away instantly then turn towards the head of the stage where Abiodun was seated in his garment. He looked even much better than he always was. His beard was neatly kept, hair styled nicely and his garment looking on point.

Once we reach the top of the hall, I greet the elders then daddy and mommy. I hug daddy and kiss his cheek then mommy.

Eniola then takes my hand as Aaleyah takes a seat beside Fawaz. The two of us walk up the stairs and once we get on the stage, I seat beside Abiodun who smiles. I return the smile then glance at Eniola who sits on the chair beside ours while Abioduns sister, Olamide, sits on the other chair.

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