"You don't look to bad yourself" she said smoothly. I smiled thanking her, before grabbing her hand and leaving to my car after saying bye to the boys.

                           --- --- ---

"So where are we going" she asked for the millionth time. I smiled and opened my mouth to speak but she already knew what I was going to say. "I know, I'll know when we get there" I laughed at her, earning me a soft slap on the arm. Before she could ask again I had pulled into a field and parked the car in the car park. She squealed when she saw in that in the field across was a fair ground.  She went to get out the car but I put my hand on her arm to stop her.

"I don't know if there are going to be any limelights here but if they are I don't want them to know that we're dating"I stated. It had been one of the many things that had been bugging my mind. Although I want to be able to shout from the rooftops of LA that Autumn is mine. I know tat the limelights can give hate and that I wouldn't want the to know if this all doesn't work out. Luckily her green eyes were full of understanding.

"I totally understand" she said softly before a cheeky wicked smile formed on her face " but what if they see us kiss?" I felt my face heat up slightly and my heart quicken pace.

"You think we're gonna kiss?"

"You never know" she answered before pecking my cheek, disappearing out the door and started skipping towards the entrance.

I didn't take my long to catch up with Autumn and when I did I picked her up and spun her around as she screamed and almost kicked my shin causing me to place her down on the ground. she laughed again, her silverly laugh that made the butterflies in my stomach erupt in happiness (I don't even know what I'm thinking right now). This time instead of running away she grabbed my hand lacing her fingers through mine and started pulling me towards the fair ground.

There weren't many limelights at the fair tonight much to our relief. About five or six came to say hi and take pictures but thankfully they left us alone. It was pretty late almost 10 and the fair was only staying open for another thirty minutes. Autumn was eating candy floss and watching me struggle to win her a stuffed bear. it was one of the games where you had to throw the ball in the bucket and the balls seemed to just not want to stay in. I could see her laughing at me as she happily ate her candy floss. How could I not do this? It was simple physics.

"I'll have one more go then your turn" I stated before handing the stall holder money for another go.  He was making a killing tonight just from me. I through the first ball and surprisingly it went it, same with the second. It all waited on the final ball, for me not to humiliate myself. I threw it and it went in, bounced up on the edge but then rolled back down. i cheered as Autumn laughed at me but then thankfully took her giant stuffed bear and carefully hugged it so she could still eat her candy floss. She looked like a six year old stuck in a sixteen year old's body, she was a six year old stuck in a sixteen year old's body.

"What now?" I wondered out loud.

"ferris wheel" she answered. I had Known she was going to say that, she'd been wanting to all evening but I was purposefully saving it for last. The queue wasn't that long and we were pretty soon in our carriage on the way to the top. I had my arm around her and she had her head resting on my shoulder and her new bear on her lap. We were on the out skirts of LA and you could already see the lights of the city glinting as we rose higher. We weren't going to be above the buildings but we would be able to see quite a lot of the city. 

We reached the top and the wheel stopped for a minute like it had down with the rest of the carriages. Autumn was looking out at the view but I was only looking at her. I guess she sensed me looking at her as she turned looked up at me and asked "what?"

"Its just that I prefer the view when you're it" i said, immediately cringing at it being so cliché. Autumn didn't cringe though, her eyes lit up and she smiled before kissing me. I felt my body soften into her feeling complete and if sparks could have they would have. It was the perfect movie scene kiss. All to soon her head was resting on my shoulder once agin but this time my smile was that bit bigger and my heart that bit fuller.

A little while later the ride had finished and we were back in the car on the war home. Our hands intertwined, resting in between us. We talked  and laughed a bit with music playing softly in the background but after about 30 minutes Autumn grew quiet and I looked over to find her asleep.

So looked so cute when she slept, if I could have I would've stared but I was driving and didn't really feel like spending time in the hospital again. Autumn sighed in her sleep, and moved so her head was resting on the window causing our hands were no longer intertwined. 

I kept the music at its quiet volume for the other half of the journey, humming along sometimes but I didn't want to wake her. When we got home she didn't wake up, so I got out the car and walked to the house to open the door before going back and picking up her up along with her bear and other belongings. I carried her to her bedroom and gently took off her boots and lay her on her bed under the duvet.


This chapter is SO Cheesy, I'm cringing too much. Though I loved writing it. Sorry for slow updates I promise I'll try be quicker next time.

If You Stay | Corbyn bessonWhere stories live. Discover now