~Chapter 9~

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Corbyn's POV

I made my way to the car after shutting the door to the WHY DON'T WE house. I was on my way to pick up Autumn. She was meant to be with Scott but he had said that she could stay with us because we had a bedroom downstairs and Autumn wasn't able to go upstairs with out a lift.

Autumn did know what was happening, she wasn't meant to but Zach told her how excited he was for her to be staying with us with our thinking when he walked in whilst we were face timing. I'm pleased that the boys are excited and I really hoped that it wasn't just because there was going to be a girl in the house.

I pulled into the hospital and got out the car, locking it before walking inside. I walked straight towards Autumn's room.

I turned the corner to go down her corridor and she was standing there, in leggings (knee brace included) and hoodie. Not a crutch in sight. I stopped dead, there was still about 15 metres in between us.

"Autumn what are u doing, your leg-" I trailed off because she had started walking towards me. Slowly, with a limp. As she was walking so slowly it took a while for her to reach me but when she finally did she stopped about a foot and half away from we and smiled, raising her eyebrows, trying not to laugh.

I took a step towards her and picked her up and started spinning around. I laughed as I spun round and pretty quickly her shock turned to joy and she joined in. She wasn't heavy but soon she was slipping in my arms so I placed her down, carefully, pretty closely to me.

"Autumn what - how- " I tried to speak but she put a finger on my lips.

"I wanted to surprise you" she giggled.

"Well it was one of the best surprises ever". Suddenly I realised how close we actually were. I went to take a step back but I saw Autumn stumble slightly so I put my arms round her waist to keep her up.

"Do you want to sit down?" She shook her head but I could tell she wanted to. "You sure?"

"I'm fine" she smiled at me. "Quite comfortable actually" I noticed she was looking at me straight in the eyes. Did she have the same feelings as me? I started leaning down slightly. I could feel her rising o to her tip toes. It got to the point when we were basically an inch apart.

Suddenly she ducked away out of my grasp. She turned away from me her face turning red. She looked down the corridor to her room.

"Bella can you bring me my crutches."

"Autumn I could have got them" I said as Bella came out the door.

Autumn's POV

I felt terrible, I had wanted to kiss Corbyn but when it came to it I felt like I was with Marcus again, his controlling arms around me and his height over me. I knew Corbyn was different, I knew Corbyn wouldn't be like that but when it came to the moment I just couldn't kiss him. I ducked away and saw the hurt in his eyes. I could feel my body heating up with embarrassment, so I called for Bella. She'd been waiting for me and Corbyn to come back in as the suprise was her idea in the first place.

Bella always made me feel better in stressful situations but when she came out straight away as Corbyn said he could have got the crutches for me. I didn't know what to say, panic formed and I felt a wave of anxiety coming.

"I-i need to sit down" I said faintly. They both rushed towards me, Corbyn was closer and he reached me first. He sweeped me up in bridal style and carried me towards my room. He placed me on the bed.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have tried to..." He trailed off

"No it's ok, I wanted you to I just got reminded of Marcus, I'm sorry"

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