I'm Sick (Depression)

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A/N This is what I pass all the time, no one should be hurt so help each one

The laugh I once had
The smiles I once had
I am not like before
I will never be like before
The pain that gives me
The words they give me
I have too much time
But I could be soon gone

I wanted to be someone
Not that all could remember but known
I want to make them proud
They don't know my pain
They don't know how I live
All they know is that
I need help

I wanted to be part of the stars

But they destroy my dreams
I am alone
No matter what they say I am
There is no one
No one can understand
I am sick

Sick by the words they say
By the way to treat me
Saying I'm useless
The feeling of being useless
No one cares
I have the feeling of being in a

I'm sick
Of being trapped
No one to save me
I am ugly
No need to tell me
I believe it now
Don't shove it in
There is no need
But stop talking
Before I am taken away
Where I won't see any light

I'm trapped by the words
The feeling of being used
The feeling I am not need
I'm the crazy one now
I'm the idiot now
You say it and I believe

The words won't heal anymore
I'm destroyed now
You won't fix it
Neither will them
I'm not important anyway
Know that it isn't easy
I'm sick if you're sorry
You don't mean it
Being nice won't work anymore

You will see smiles
You will see laughs
You will see the light is not there
I'm sick now
One day I will be gone
No one will care

Should I take until my last breath
Or end it here?
I'm the stupid
The mental
The idiot
The not wanted

I don't need your pettiness
Is helpless

I'm destroy
I'm sick
I'm dead


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