Fight Or Not

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"If you cross this circle you are accepting my challenge... a fight for laying a hand on Y/N- MY SISTER!" a wave of silence fell on to the people surrounding some gave me looks of doubt some had looks of shock. I guess they thought Woo Reuk had one son... their wrong he did have two sons, but he passed away sadly, but also right because im not his son, im a low life villager from outside this Kingdom I lived with Woo Reuks real son... till the king killed him... I WILL AVENGE MY FRIEND.... NEVER FORGET I WILL AVEGNGE TAN!!!

Normal Y/N POV

my eyes widen as I look at my brother, standing in a circle he had drawn around him with a sword which he had thrown back to the man who punched me, one of Min Yoongis Hench man by the looks of it, I don't know his name because it never interested me, but I know for a fact he hates it when people think their better than him.

as I was rambling to myself about the situation, Yoongis Hench man (for the sake of it im going to make Y/N call him bastard) grabbed the sword and charged at my brother, my eyes widening I stepped forward only to be held back by Park Jimin looking at me with... worried eyes? I decided to push that past me and focus back on my brother and the bastard.

the bastard swung at Jungkook, Jungkook only just dodged him but only to pull the bastard down and point the sword the bastard once had at his neck.... with that one move Jungkook won, everyone was silent, the only sound that could be heard was the heavy breathing of Jungkook and the moaning sighs of Yoongi's Hench man.

Yoongi stood there a look of disappointment as he looks down at his Hench man who had lost to an unknown man who calls himself Y/N's brother.


I marched straight up to Jungkook and hit him straight over the head with a poster for Hwarang, "JEON JUNGKOOK YOU LITTLE BASTARD DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE JUST DONE!!!!" I heard a few snickers from the people around me but I couldn't care any less, this little idiot had just beat up Min Yoongi's second most trusted member of his group, he embarrassed me what else can I do?

"AH AHHH Y/N!! stop it I was just teaching this piece of shit a lesson for messing with you!"

"what?! by embarrassing me in front of the most handsome men in Silla?!?!" as soon as those words came out of my mouth Jungkook stopped thrashing around and looked at me with shock, I turned around to see Park Jimin and Min Yoongi smirking, and the new additions Kim Taehyung and Kim Seok Jin... shit.

realising my mistake, I quickly ran out of the building down to fathers house Jungkook trailing not far behind leaving a shocked crowd.

Time Skip to before the Hwarang ceremony

"YOU WHAT?!?! SIGNED UP TO HWARANG WITHOUT ME KNOWING?!?! SIGN OUT NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS!!" I shouted in both Hoseok and Jungkook's faces like how dumb they are? signing up to serve the queen, they know she hates me, OMO WHAT IF SHES GONNA USE THEM... ha I'm funny when I'm drunk.

"Y/N calm down your drunk.... breath in and out okay go sit down" Jungkook's voice was so soothing I almost did what he said until Hoseok pushed me down and caught me only to put a cup of a weird brown liquid into my mouth, he forced me to swallow the liquid. he stood me back up and put the cup down looking at me with curious eyes probably seeing if the weird liquid would do anything.

we stood there in silence, I smelt the cup and tasted it again... "cabbage, carrot, tomatoes, orange, chocolate, chilli, potatoes and...." my eyes widened as I tasted/smelt the last ingredient, I looked up to come face to face with my two brothers slowly backing up, "BRUSSLE SPROUTS!! YOU KNOW I HATE THOSE YOU LITTLE PREGNANT COCKROACHES!" I started to chase the boys around the house until they ran into their rooms either to hide, or get ready for the ceremony...

time skip again to the ceremony

3rd Person POV

"Please come forth, Park Jimin!" the announcer called, the said Hwarang stepped forth and made his way up the stairs close to the Queen to collect his sword that looked way to big for him, the females in the crowd all giggled as Park Jimin smirked at the crowd and bowed, he turned around to look at the queen and bowed to her, he walked to the side were some other Hwarangs that were called before stood, he looked very small in comparison to them all.

"Min Yoongi!" Yoongi stepped up the stairs and took his sword looking down at the crowd with his normal emotionless eyes and bowed then did the same to the queen.

"Kim Seokjin!" the said man walked up the stairs with a smile and a little skip in his step, he gently took his sword and smiled cutely at the crowd then turned to the queen and bowed he then turned back around and started to talk. "id like to thank my parents for giving birth to me and creating me, to the queen and faceless king for protecting me from the outsiders, as repayment me world wide handsome Kim Seokjin will become the most loyal Hwarang!!!" he finished with a big blow kiss he always does and then walks to were the other Hwarangs are, the females in the crowd were all blushing except Y/N who was slightly laughing.

"RM?!" the man named RM starts runs through the doors like he was running late then slowed down to walk up the stairs, the crowd was silent for they had never heard nor seen this man before, they all stared in curiosity as the quite attractive man collected his sword, he bowed to the crowd and queen then left down to the others. The queen looked quite shocked as her eyes landed on the smirking

"Jung Hoseok!" the bouncy smiling man walked up the stairs trying to act confident but those who knew him well knew that he was down right shaking in his polished boots just waiting till the stares were off of him, the females all awww'd at his actions as he sped walked to the others with his sword.

"Kim Taehyung!" Taehyung walked up to the top, the sun set behind the tower making it look like the man was ascending to heaven, we was heavenly the golden light hit his chiselled jaw line perfectly, he strode like a prize-winning show horse, though on his last step he face planted. right. in. front. of. the. queen.

Taehyung quickly got up collected his sword a big heavy blush across his cheeks as he looked down at the crowd looking at the worried faces but his eyes landed on one particular set of eyes... Y/N's he saw her giggling softly to herself, some reason this made him feel better seeing Y/N's face so happy he smiled to himself showing his cute box smile, he skipped to the others feeling better.

"Jeon Jungkook!!!" the announcer called no one came "JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!" before the announcer was going to give up and move on the doors opened to show the said man...

to be continued....

sorry I haven't updated I have been busy and completely forget I wrote this.

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