Training and the first mission

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It was the next day and everyone was getting up for another day at the Anvil. Well almost everyone. The recruits for the gen:Lock program was still sleeping and no one can wake them up...except the 5-11 Devils.

Thomas: Speaker ready Boomer?

Carlos: Yep ready to go.

The two had set up a speaker connected to Thomas's phone ready to play a rock song with Rosie, Ryden, Carla ready with a camera. As they were about to blast the music Chase teleported in before it happens.

Chase: What's going on?

Rosie: About to wake up the newbies "Devil style".

Chase: Am I too late to watch?

Carla: Nope right on time.

As they could hear and see Yaz about to wake up, Thomas played the song which blasted out Light Em Up by Fall out boys. The music was so loud it shook the whole room shook making the sleepers jolt awake and fall off their beds. And it's most unfortunate for Cammie since she fell off the top bunk over Valentina and landed on her. As they were dazed and confused they could hear the laughter from their new friends and looked up to them.


Chase: Carla please tell me that you got that.

Carla: Hell yeah all right here. * pats the camera*

Kazu: NANI!!! (WHAT!!!)

Cammie: The F**K was that for!?!?

Thomas: That was your wake up call now come on suit up and get breakfast. Training starts in an hour.

As the Devils walked out of the room Ruffus walked by to check on them.

Weller: Was it you that made that racket?

Carla: All filmed and saved.

Weller: Well you better get breakfast before they come, also send a copy to me,

Thomas: Got it.

5 minutes later

As the Devils were eating a breakfast of scrambled eggs, fried rice, and bacon (with their helmets off) the gen:Lock team came to the table with trays with a glass of water and what looked like a mix of whatever. The only one that actually made their own food was Kazu who had a bowl of fried rice and eggs he made himself.

Cammie: What's in this?

Thomas: Energy, to get you through the day.

Cammie: Doesn't look like it.

Valentina: So this is what you guys look like under the helmet.

Rosie: Pretty much. What were you expecting something else?

Valentina: I was thinking something more, robotic.

Rosie: Like this? *pulls off her robot arm*

Kazu: Nani...(What...)

Yaz: ...the...

Valentina: ...f**k

Cammie: Your right arm is ROBOTIC?!?!?

Rosie: Yep.

Valentina: How did you lose your arm?

Rosie: Had it crushed by a shipping container.

Yaz: That sounds painful

Rosie: It's only painful to weaklings.

Thomas: Yeah, like you were not one.

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