Chapter 12

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" This is ridiculous."  Thought Lucy.

She was hiding in the bathroom stall, trying to calm herself down from whatever just happened. She made a mental note to stop letting little things get to her and let out a breath mixed with both tiredness and relief. Maybe she should just tell Camila what really happened. She'll seem like a shitty friend either way, but it'll be better if she knew.

" Yeah I'll totally go up to her and say, " Hey Camila since you didn't tell me what's up with you, I went to someone else to find out. Invading your privacy cause I'm a nosey little shit. Oh by the way, I'm not dating Lauren." Ah yes, this will work." Lucy thought out loud, running her hand through her hair.

The bathroom door soon creaked open and the person's footsteps echoed the hall way.

" Lucy?" Rasped out the voice.

" mm? Yeah?" Lucy senses wakes up and she starts opening the stall door, dark eyes meeting green ones.

" You okay? You seem kinda worked up back there." Chuckled softly Lauren, trying to ease up the conversation.

" Yeah, I'm just frustrated that's all. But it's all going to end soon." Said the trumpet player as she rubbed her eyebrow. " I'm going to talk to Camila. I need to clear things up with her."

" Speaking about that, I'm still pretty confused on to why she's upset in the first place. Everything happened so fast and suddenly, I don't know what's going on anymore."

Lucy saw Lauren lean on the sink counter until her facial expression turned into panic.

" It's not cause I almost kissed her? Please don't tell me it is, I would feel really shitty about that. Damn, she probably was disgusted I don't know." Lauren said as she looked down with embarrassment.

Lucy wanted to laugh. But she couldn't. Disgusted was waaay far from what Camila felt at that moment. She knows for sure.

" No hun. It's not that. It's just between Camz and I." Lucy said casually, glancing at Lauren with a smirk.

Lauren's head jerked towards Lucy and she farrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

" Hey uh," began Lauren pointing at Lucy, " Camz? Yeah, I only get to call her that. "

" You don't like the fact that I can call her that as well?" Lucy taunted on.

" Um no."

" Lauren just admit you like this girl already, you're basically screaming it to me." Lucy said chuckling, getting her phone out.

Lucia🤘🏼: Camila, we need to talk.

Canola 🦋: are we breaking up

Lucia🤘🏼: what? anyways, I'm going over your house after school, don't ditch me btw.

Canola🦋: Whatever


Camila ran towards her door as she heard a knock, indicating it's Lucy. She kinda dreaded this, but if Lucy wants to tell her how madly in love she's with Lauren, well shit she might have to just listen.

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