Chapter Thirty-One: In Which Jessie Makes a Bargain

Start from the beginning

"Don't," I hissed. "I am to be somebody's wife, Mr. Lewis."

"I say, sir!" Thomas began but Mr. Lewis cut a glare up at him that halted his tongue before it really go started.

Mr. Lewis smiled, as oily as I remembered, and finished the gesture, tucking my hair behind my ear, even as I shied to the side.

"You were meant to be mine first, do not forget. And I don't like being made the gossip of the Ton, Miss Franklin," he sneered. I thought of Miss Donaldson, and how much my leaving him at the altar must have been spread around London, if she'd heard about it all they way out in Bath. "And now we will correct it. I will have you under my thumb, right were Frank promised you would be."

"Miss Franklin is my fiance," Thomas blustered. "And I'll thank you to--"

"The adults are talking, Cooper," Mr. Lewis cut across him, loud enough and commanding enough that Thomas actually stuttered to a stop and cringed back.

Oh, that poor boy, I thought. He has no idea what I've stuck him in the middle of. This can't possibly end well for him. Shit. What have a I done? What do I do now?

"'Frank' doesn't get to hand me out like a war prize!" I sneered back atMr. Lewis, pulling his attention away from Thomas on purpose. I had no plan, no idea how to get myself out of this predicament. I only knew that I couldn't let Thomas suffer because Mr. Lewis was a sadistic, possessive ass. Thomas didn't deserve to be crushed by Mr. Lewis simply for the sin of liking me. "Besides, even if he couldn't he's changed his mind!"

"Oh yes. Frank cut ties with me entirely over this affair," Mr. Lewis drawled. "Such a shame. Do you understand how Frank kept his sisters and mother afloat, Miss Franklin? Did he tell you? Do you understand how lucrative it is to have a Captain in one's pocket?"

I thought, suddenly, of what Elizabeth had said about Francis extricating himself from some bad business dealings. Then I remembered the black cargo boxes on the ship, each marked with a chalked L, in the hold where Francis didn't want anyone prying. Of the seemingly random trips into London, leaving me in the care of the Jenkins family when there was no reason to. Jesus, Francis had been doing something shady for Mr. Lewis, on the sly. Smuggling, probably.

Was that why the HMS Lyre had missed the Battle of Trafalgar?

Not to pick me up but because Francis couldn't afford to have his racket found out by having his ship involved in the action, where he could be boarded and the ship commandeered by a superior officer?

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

"Thomas," I said softly. "My dear. I think you had better run and fetch the constabulary."

"But Jessica--"

"Please," I said, without looking at him, holding still until I heard him huff in confusion and head off.

"Wise," Mr. Lewis said. "I don't think your fiance would appreciate hearing the rest of this sordid tale."

"There's nothing left to tell," I said, at the same time desperate to hear. Desperate to know. And I knew Mr. Lewis wouldn't tell all of it with Thomas hovering over my shoulder. It was a calculated risk - I had no idea what Mr. Lewis had planned, but there were enough people around us that I felt pretty confident that he couldn't punch me in the mouth in a public park.

"There's plenty!" Mr. Lewis hissed, hands flexing like he wanted to wrap them around my wrist. Or my neck. But we were still the center of attention, no matter that no one could hear what we were saying any more. They could still see us. "Did Frank tell you that their father was so far into the church that he gave away nearly all their worldly possessions upon his death. He gave their wealth to charity and left them with nothing - widow, three children, no real dowry or investments. Francis was already part of the navy, but he began to inquire around on how best to advance, who would recommend him for an officership, for whatever extra work he could do while on land. Do you understand?"

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