Amnesia Chapter 8

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Beep...beep. Gods that is one annoying sound, Ren thought opening her eyes. And this bed is really uncomfortable. Wait- bed? Was she not still on the mission with Sasuke and everyone?

"Babe?" she heard the familiar husky voice call out to her. "Baby are you awake?"

She tried to it up but the pounding headache and the pain that shot through her spine stopped any further movements. Ren groaned she apparently had gotten hurt.

"Serenity?" his voice sounded impatient and borderline worried.

"I'm fine Sasuke-kun, where am I?"

"You're in a hospital in Tomo's homeland." He answered relief flooding his voice.

His homeland? Damn it she had been useless the rest of the way there. She turned her head looking at Sasuke who had bags under his eyes, and looked like he could just fall out any second now. Serenity is the cause of his fatigue, and she could only imagine that Sasuke was the one who carried her all the way here.

"I'm sorry baby..." she whispered closing her eyes. Sasuke stroked her cheek.

"For what Ren?" he asked just as quietly.

"For making you go through this. It's all my fault that you're tired and stressed out." She whined pouting.

He chuckled and she opened her eyes reaching her hands up caressing his lips. "I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you to worry about, Ren. And I thought I almost lost you back there." A haunted look passed over his face and was quickly replaced by a weak smile. "You're everything to me now, because of you in my life I've changed."

Serenity grinned not caring it hurt her face to do so. "Aww, since when are you so poetic?"

Sasuke smirked devilishly, "Baby I can do anything."

Ren bit her lip. She's pretty sure he could make good on that statement. Sasuke moved in and placed a soft kiss on her lips, while she moaned at his wonderful taste. Sasuke shifted out of his seat and climbed on top of her on the hospital bed kissing down her neck.

"Gods you taste so amazing," he murmured into her neck.

"Sasuke has Ren-," she heard Kakashi stop his sentence.

"Eeep!" she squeal sitting up accidentally knocking Sasuke on the floor.

"Ouch," he muttered rubbing his head. Ren looked over the bed with and apologetic smile.

She heard a burst of random laughter and figured it must be Naruto. She was never going to hear the end of this. And as her gaze switched to their sensei she blushed from head to toe. This was really embarrassing.

"Dang Sasuke you can't even wait until she's fully recovered you just had to go for it," Naruto laughed.

Sasuke grunted and smirked sending Naruto a message with his eyes that shut him up. Hmm, she was going to have to ask about that one later.

"Okay Ren the doctor said that you will have to stay here for another day or until you feel up and ready." Kakashi informed shaking his head going back to his pervy book.

"But I feel better now, a little sore but other than that I'm good," she told her sensei.

"Well if that's the case I still think that you should rest a little more, and we'll discharge you in a while," her doctor said coming in reading some papers.

When he looked up at her she gasped, this guy was like Tomo incarnate. Except maybe a little taller, and muscular.

Sakura said, "That's Tomo older cousin," noticing her gawking.

Tomo's cousin smiled and nodded. "I guess we do kind of look alike don't we?"

Kind of was an understatement.

"Okay well you should be ready to go in about an hour." And with that he and Kakashi left.

"So what have I missed since I've been out?" Ren asked looking at her friends.

"Well Sakura and Tomo have married and had kids, and me and Sasuke are now gay and dating." Naruto answered grinning.

Serenity looked at Sasuke's and Sakura's faces and laughed.

"Wow I must have bee out for hella long. Buuuut I don't think even if I was out for 100 years Sasuke would ever turn gay." She snickered seeing Sasuke's murderous glare on Naruto.

Sasuke turned back to Ren, "You're right. And if I did I think I would have better taste than ramen boy over here probably more like Kiba."

Sakura and Ren had there mouths hanging open at his confession. Did he just say....?

He just shrugged his shoulders and sat back down in the chair beside the bed. Only Sasuke could make something like that nonchalant.

"Okay, i have a game M.F.K. marry fuck kill." Sakura said excitedly sitting at the edge of the bed. "We pick three people and you tell us which one goes for marry, fuck, or kill."

Naruto and Ren nodded in agreement. This was going to be interesting.

"Sasuke? You gonna play?" she asked him.

He sighed and nodded begrudgingly.

"Okay Naruto you go first. Okay Jaraiya, Tsunade and Kakashi."

"What the hell Ren?" she just laughed.

"Okay, Jaraiya is such a freakin pervert I don't think I could handle that. Tsunade has nice boobs but I could not marry her. Gods no, she made Saku- " he coughed, "And that leaves sensei. Hmm. I'd kill Jaraiya, fuck Tsunade and marry Kakashi."

Sasuke smiled and Sakura and Ren laughed at Naruto's decision.

"Okay, okay Ren next," Sakura said clapping her hands together.

Oh, no what is she going to say.

"Okay Hinata, Ino and Ten Ten."

"Well, I'd kill Ino, marry Hinata and fuck Ten Ten it's just something about them balls on the top of her head that's gets to me. And Hinata would be the perfect spouse she's so sweet, and nice and she can cook some dumplings," Serenity giggled.

"Just because I cant cook means you want to leave me for Hinata I see how it is," Sasuke said with mock anger.

"Aww, Sasukins you know I still love you even though you almost burned down the house trying to cook instant ramen."

Naruto and Sakura laughed their asses off. "Okay I have to know the story behind that one," Sakura said holding her stomach.

"Sasukins? Anyone else catch that? What the fuck Ren?" Naruto replied in between breaths

"Oh, don't hate on my pet names," she said waving her hand at him, smiling brightly.

Serenity loves how close they all have become again, and hope that this feeling will never end.


"Okay the tests look good, I guess I'm able to let you go Miss Serenity," Rei, she learned his name was said coming in the room.

"Thank you, hospitals make me jumpy," she said folding up her hospital gown.

"I hope you have a good time as long as you're on the island."

"I will," and as soon as the words left her lips Sasuke strolled in the room looking much better. Yep as long as her baby is here she was going to have some major fun."


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