Amnesia (Sasuke Love Story) Chapter 6

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"Well all is clear," Kakashi said coming up to them. "We should get some sleep we will have an early start tomorrow, boys in one tent, girls in the other and we'll take turns keeping guard I'll start first."

Naruto yawned and stretched his arms, "Well, I'm tried. Good night Ren, Sakura."

"Night Naruto." They both said together. Ren looked around for Sasuke but couldn't find him. Okay that was weird. She decided he must already be in the tent. And she suddenly started to laugh. Sakura looked at her.

"What is it?"

"I was just thinking about how Sasuke was going to be in a tent with Tomo." She started to giggle uncontrollably.

Sakura started to laugh with her. "Sorry that's not funny," Serenity admitted calming down a bit.

"Hey Ren can I ask you a question?" Sakura asked all of a sudden shy.

"Yeah sure," Serenity replied curious at Sakura's actions.

"Well, you seem good with guys and all and Tomo seems really into you and well...."

"You like him?" Serenity guessed grinning from ear to ear.

Sakura blushed and looked at her lap, "Yeah."

"I'll hook you up, but only if you want me too."

"Would you really?" her eyes brightened.

"Yeah of course!"

"Thanks so much Ren!" Sakura hugged her.

"Well I'm going to go wash up in the lake okay? I'll be back." Ren left the tent and walked towards the river they past a little earlier.

She stripped out of her clothes and jumped into the lake. She was so relieved the water was warm. Serenity began to swim around thinking about how her and Sakura were getting along really well now. At first Sakura couldn't stand that Sasuke was giving her so much attention. But she likes Tomo and Ren wanted to help her be happy. Serenity dove under the water and swam up to the edge of the lake as she started to get out she felt arms around her waist and a very male front up against her back. Oh hell no......

"Hey Ren," she heard a very familiar husky voice say. She smiled sexily and turned around slowly grinding against him.

Sasuke exhaled sharply, "You'll be the death of me Ren, I swear."

Ren smirked and wrapped her hands around his neck, "What are you doing out here?"

"I like skinny dipping in my free time, especially if you'll be with me," he said winking.

Ren laughed and poked his chest, "You are so bad Sasuke."

"You like it," he pointed out smiling and poking her side, back.

"Maybe...." She said giggling. Sasuke leaned in towards her neck his hot breath sending shivers all over her body.

"Admit it Ren I make you wet by just lookin at you."

Serenity closed her eyes and breathed deeply, God his voice changed an octave lower just now. He kissed the crook of her neck, slightly nipping at her.

"No," already her voice was breathless.

While one of Sasuke's hands continued to stroke her waist the other traveled to the small of her back pressing her against him so that their hips met, his erection against her stomach.

"Say it Ren," he whispered into her neck.

"No, Sasuke," she whimpered. He grinded up against her, causing her to bite her bottom lip to hold back a moan. She won't give into him. Why was she saying no again. She could barely remember her name. Serenity, oh right. He slowly kissed up her neck, leaving small bite marks along the way. By now she was breathing hard, her eyes squeezed shut. And suddenly the warmth of his body disappeared. Ren opened her eyes and found Sasuke getting out of the water.

Sasuke had to get away from her, she was absolutely intoxicating. He couldn't think when she was around, all he saw was delving in between the sweet legs of hers. Claiming her in the way only he wanted to. He started to put his boxers back on and then pants but stopped when he saw serenity get out of the water. Damn she was beautiful. Her short blonde hair smoothed back from the water, her ruby eyes almost glowing in the moonlight which outlined a very curvaceous body. She walked towards him with a lazy walk that was down right sexual. His arousal was straining against his pants, almost seeing what was right in front of him. If he looked at her anymore more he was going to fuck morals and take was right in front of him. She wrapped her arms around his neck kissing his lips her tongue automatically diving into his mouth.

"Ren," he strained against her lips.

"Hmm?" Ren said her hands against his naked chest.

"You're making it harder on me."

She pulled away looking at him.

"So I do affect you huh?" she said smiling triumphantly.

"Uh, yeah its definitely not helping that you're naked right now." He said matter-of-factly.

She smiled, the little vixen.

Ren gasped as she felt both of them fall onto the ground him on top. He looked at her body greedily his eyes taking in everything.

"You're mine Serenity Suuin. And if that loser Tomo thinks he can get you.... ill cut off an arm if he touches you."

She giggled, "Admit that you're jealous Mister Uchiha."

"No, because I knows he is not your type."

"My type eh? And what exactly is my type?"

"Sasuke Uchiha." He said smirking at her lips.

"You're unbelievably arrogant," she laughed.

"I know," he chuckled. "You love it," he wagged his eyebrows at her.

She laughed pushing him off of her and looked at him winking, then got off of him walking to get her clothes, giving Sasuke a perfect view of her backside.

"You know I am in no rush for you to get dressed." Sitting up on his elbows watching her lean down putting on her underwear and fishnet stockings.

"You are also a horny boy."

He shrugged his shoulders smiling and sighing as she finished putting on her kimono.

"I guess we should head back Kakashi is probably wondering where we went," Serenity grabbed one of his hands and pecked him one last time and headed back to they both headed back to the campsite.

haha okay okay the nexy chapter i promise will finally end the mission lol and after the mission alot of drama happens soo i cant wait to write it:)) please comment and vote like always:) oh and i am going to post a new Sasuke story called Obssesed what do you guys think should i write it:) im going to post a teaser chapter up well it is 1:40 in the morning and im tired:) I hope you enjoyed thanks again you guys:))

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