Sasuke One shot Chapter Chapter 5

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"I think that we should camp here," Kakashi said looking at his squad, "Naruto and Serenity set up camp, Sasuke and Sakura find some firewood, and I'll go scope the area."


Before Sasuke left with Sakura, he glared at Tomo who raised an eyebrow at him. And then grabbed Serenity up into a very possessive kiss. When he heard her gasp he smirked and took that chance to slip his tongue in her mouth. Serenity pulled away breathless and starry-eyed.

"Wow." He saw her mouth.

"I love you," he whispered kissing her forehead making eye contact with Tomo who smiled coyly at him.

With her eyes still glazed over. "Love you too." With that Sasuke left to follow after Sakura.

Kami... Serenity thinks one day she might die of how sexy Sasuke is. She shook her head knowing that if she ever told him her reactions to his touch, his ego would be even bigger than it is. Forgetting there was a whole audience watching what just previously occurred she cleared her throat.

Clapping her hands together her face a bright pink she said, "Naruto are you ready?"

"Ha, I bet you are," he said winking.

She blushed even harder, "That's not what I meant, Narutard!"

"Testy, testy you even went all Sakura on me." He said grinning at Serenity's embarrassment.

"You- ," she choked the air, "Just put up the damn tent!" she stomped away going to put up the other tent. Serenity huffed as she heard his mocking laughter and bent down to pick up the poles- "Do you need any assistance with that?"

She stood up and saw Tomo standing behind her, and she didn't like the way he was eyeing her. And did he, a Prince ask to help her in something like this.

"Um Prince-"

"You can just call me Tomo." He smiled tilting his head adorably to the side.

"Tomo... right well I'm good I don't need any help, you might be able to help out Naruto over there..." she said glancing in Naruto's direction. She shook her head as she watched him entangle himself in the tent.

He followed her gaze, and his smiled faded. "Well, if that's what you want..."

"Thanks." She smiled and went back to what she was doing.

"Look," she groaned quietly, he was still there, "I was wondering if you would like to you know hang out sometime?"

"Okay, Look Tomo I have..."

"I know you think that that boy Sasuke is good for you, but I can do so many more things for you than he can. Name anything you want and I would be able to get it for you." He moved in closer causing her to back up but she was up against a tree. "And anything you want me to do," he leaned into her ear, "I'll do it to you."

Serenity shivered at his obvious sexual innuendo.


Then all of a sudden Tomo was pulled away from her. When she looked up Naruto was in Tomo's face.

"What is your problem?" Tomo asked frustrated at the interruption.

"I'm trying to save your ass, Prince Tomo," he said letting go of his shirt.

Tomo jerked his shirt back into place and frowned at him.

"You can't touch me like that!"

"You better be glad that it was me instead of Sasuke because if he caught you on Serenity like that he would've killed you." Naruto's normally goofy face was dead serious.

Tomo stepped into Naruto's face and Naruto matched him face to face. Well... because of his height it was more like face to chest. Serenity stepped in between them her hands on both of their chests.

"Stop you two." Tomo raised his head up and went to stand beside the tree. She rolled her eyes. Guys....

"Thanks Naru," Serenity said going over there to help him with his tent.

He smiled, "No problem Ren it's the least I could do. You keep Prince Darkness happy. And on top of that this is our first mission together in a while and it should be a good one."

"Wow Naru that's really mature of you." Serenity acknowledged.

"I try."

While Sakura picked up some fire wood she was upset.

"Why does Serenity get all of the guys and I'm stuck with no one," she pouted.

"Sasuke! There are some good ones over here!"

Sasuke looked over at her smiled faintly thanking her and went to grab some of the fire wood. Damn it when is it going to be her time to find Prince charming. She thought about Tomo. He was really gorgeous and charming. And she does get why the Sasuke likes her, I mean Serenity's beautiful, strong and independent, but also balances out what Sasuke doesn't seem to have currently in his life. Everything she wanted to be for him. She sighed again for the tenth time tonight.

"Everything all right Sakura?" Sasuke came up to ask.

Sakura blushed. "Uh, yes i- I'm fine."

"Okay well we have enough firewood we should head up."

"Okay." She just needed to try harder.

Coming up to the campsite Sasuke saw Tomo, Naruto and Serenity finishing the tents, laughing. He tried not to seem too obvious in his small glances as he was building the fire, but it wasn't working for him. He hated being jealous, it reminded him of how he felt when he was around. When Serenity caught him once she waved and smiled secretly. Sasuke knew that smile really well.

"Well all is clear," Kakashi said coming up to them. "We should get some sleep we will have an early start tomorrow, boys in one tent, girls in the other and we'll take turns keeping guard I'll start first."

hi guys again i know this is short but ill update 2mara with the rest of the mission. im so srry this is boring just bear with me haha i promise the next will be better well i still hope you enjoyed please comment and vote:)) thanks love you guys:)))!!!<3

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