What Now?

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// (Y/N)'s POV//

"Why are you asking me that question?," I asked, " What is my answer going to do for you? It won't change the past."

He paused, and turned back to face me.

" No..... but it would bring clarity... to my... troubled mind."

I struggled against the rope again, " Why don't you bring me some clarity and tell me what exactly I'm doing here? Surely you didn't go through all this trouble, tying me up, and telling me how we're connected, just to get even with Batman." I looked him in the eyes, " If I know you at all, I'd say you haven't played all your cards yet."

He sighed and sat back down.

" ... On a normal day, I would say that you'd be right..." He said, twiddling  his thumbs, " but... seeing you has brought up a lot of buried memories, and I'm tired of dealing with them."

He reached into his pocket. "Not all my cards have been played," he said, " but they're not the cards you think they are."

The joker pulled a small detonator out of his pocket. "I want to go out with a bang, (y/n), " he said, "And I'm taking you with me."

He pushed the button, and a timer began to count down.

30 minutes.... until we get blown sky high

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