Texts and Parties (pt. 2)

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A/N: part two of the shout out chapter for

You and Bruce had just pulled into Shayera's driveway. You could hear the music blaring from the inside of the house. Smiling, you and Bruce got out of the car and walked to the door. You knocked on the door, and the lady of the hour answered.

"(Y/N)!" she squealed happily, hugging you. "Hey Bruce!" she said, hugging him as well.

"It's about time you two lovebirds showed up. I was getting worried about you two," she said, pulling you two into the house.

You arched your eyebrow, "Lovebirds?"

Shayera looked at you and Bruce with a confused expression on her face, "Yeah. Lovebirds. You both told me you had a crush on each other years ago. Did something change?"

You blushed a deep shade of red and cleared your throat, "How about you show us around. This is a new house right?"

Bruce and Shayera chuckled. "Well follow me then..." she said, "Lovebirds."

> Timeskip brought to you by this<

> Timeskip brought to you by this<

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

You had been at the party for hours, dancing to the upbeat dubstep music, and drinking what was probably too much to drink. Bruce was smiling at you the whole time. He missed the party animal you could be. Shayera was dancing with you as well, chugging her fair share of drinks as well. You hiccupped and held your drink up while still swaying to the song. "T-This *hiccup* is thhhe best *hiccup* drink... EVER," you slurred.

Shayera laughed, and the two of you clinked your glasses. "A-*hiccup*- men," Shayera slurred in agreement with you.

Bruce was quite intoxicated himself, so without thinking about what he was doing, he walked up to you and kissed you right on the lips. "(Y/NNN)," Bruce slurred, " I- *hiccup* llllllove you."

You kissed him back, "*hiccup* I l-love you.. *hiccup* t-too."

Shayera let out a whoop of excitement, "Y-You two * hiccup* shhhhould g-get ttttogether!"

After that, everything went black.

My Shadow ( Batman x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن