Training... it sucks

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68.... 69.... 70...

Your arms were tired, and your legs were shaking. You didn't know how much more you could do.


"Come on (Y/N)" Bruce said, " only 20 more push ups to go."


Shayera paced around the room, "I don't see why its so hard."

84..... 85.... 86...

"Easy... for you... to say," you grunted.

88... 89... 90...

You felt a viberation in your pocket. You got a text.


Bruce started reading a book.


Shayera yawned, clearly bored.

99.... 100!

You collapsed on the floor in a fit of exhaustion.

You pulled your phone out of your pocket and checked your text. It was from Fang. "(Y/N)! I need you to meet me at my house ASAP! Here's the address. **** **** Rd. Gotham City."

You replied, "Ill be right over there," and got up. "I need to go," you said. Bruce looked up from his book, "Where do you think youre going?"

You crossed your arms, "Let's just say that I'm not the only one the Justice League should be considering."

You then walked out and went to Fang's house.

When you got there, you walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Fang opened the door, and when you saw her, your eyes widened in shock. She had wolverine claws... coming out of her hands.

"Well that is something you don't see every day," you said as you walked in.

"Tell me about it," Fang said, " I woke up this morning and they were just... there. "

You sat down next to her, "And this never happened before?" Fang shook her head, "Never has."

You thought for a second, "I know some people who might be able to help you out more than I can. Do you want to come with me and see what they can do for you?"

Fang nodded, "That would be great."

You took Fang with you back to Shayera's house and walked in with her.

Bruce got up and noticed her, "Oh..." he said, "uh... hi, I'm Bruce" he said.

Shayera confidently walked over to her, "I'm Shayera," she said, "You are?"

Fang smiled, "I'm Fang." She looked at Bruce and Shayera. "So.. (Y/N) tells me that you guys will be able to help me... with my powers?"

Bruce and Shayera looked at each other and nodded. Bruce looked back at Fang, "I think we can."

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