Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

" R-Right! Go head."

I nodded my head in thanks and dashed for the elevator that was about to close. It took a while but I finally got to the penthouse, squeezing through the doors as they were still opening. I was greeted to a frantic and worried raveness and I was quickly dragged into what appeared to be the living room. I could hear the agonizing voice of pain coming from the couch and so I quickly rushed over to Levi's side after seeing that he was laying on the couch. I lay my hand on his forehead and I could feel it almost burning my hand. I looked over to Mikasa and told her of a few items we'd need.

" Go get an ice pack, some water, a bucket of cold water, and a rag. Hurry!"

" Right!"

She left the room and I could hear the sinks running and the rummaging of drawers and cabinets as I slowly sat down on my knees. I looked over to Levi and brushed his hair that remained plastered to his face by sweat behind his ears. I leaned towards him and gently rested my forehead against his, his fever was getting worse. This was the first time I've ever seen someone reject the past this strongly, though he'll have to accept it if he knows what's good for him and his sister. I knew they were coming and they will be sure that me and Levi are dead this time.

Mikasa came back with everything I had asked her to get and I started by placing the ice pack on his forehead, and then dipping the rag into the bucket and wiping him with the cold water.

" You seem like you know what you're doing."

" Didn't you get some kind of fever when all your memories came back to you?"

" No."

" Did you feel sick or anything?"

" No, I felt fine the day they returned to me."

" I didn't, but I wasn't this bad. He's rejecting the memories to much, he needs to accept them or else he'll only continue to get sick. The sickness won't kill him but it'll be difficult for him to live a normal life if he keeps rejecting the memories."

" How do you know what will happen?"

" I did the same thing, and I kept rejecting them for a year. It was a living Hell for me but it just stopped once I accepted them, so all it takes is one little opening and you'll be fine. I'm surprised you didn't go through something similar..." Then I thought of something, " Or maybe you were lying about getting your memories back."

She was silent. After a minute she tried to speak but Levi had coughed awake.

" Mikasa, could you leave me with Levi for a bit?"

She left and I heard a door shut, I could only assume she went to her bedroom. Levi looked up at me with pain in his eyes, but no matter how much he rejects it he'll have to accept them.

" Levi, please, for your sister's sake. You have to accept the memories." He shook his head from side to side and I grit my teeth, " Do it for my sake! It's selfish I know but please Levi!"

" Eren..."

I helped him sit up as I sat on his lap and pressed my forehead against his again. I bit my lip and leaned in for a kiss.

" Please Levi..."

" Just do it already..."

" Do what? You have to be specific." I said this even though I knew what he wanted.

" ... I want you to kiss me..."

That's all I needed from him. I slowly but passionately gave him the kiss he asked for and I could feel his hands grasp onto my back, pulling me in even more. This was him. This was the man of whom I loved 2,000 years ago, and I still love him to this day. When they come for us I'll be sure to protect him with everything I've got. I won't fail the both of us again.

AN: Okay, hopefully this makes some sort of sense but we'll see. So I was hoping that by the time I got around this chapter there would already be some action starting but oh well, I like to write in detail some times ^///^ So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

...To Be Continued...

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