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By the time my consciousness returned to me, I knew what had been done while I was asleep. After spending many eons on many planets, my true form was more viable to my consciousness. That while I had been unconscious, they had shone a light into the unresponsive eye of my host. Looking for a luminescence behind it - anything to show part of the creature that lived within.

Except I was wearing my contacts.

There was no way for them to confirm I wasn't human.

Although I was now awake, I didn't move. I was interested to hear what the others were saying. From what I could gather, I was on some form of ancient infirmary bed.

'...not normal.' I could hear a female saying. 'I have never come across a person like this before.'

'Well something needs to be done.' I heard a male seethe.

'No.' I heard the female say with a pixie-like voice. 'There doesn't, and I've only heard stories... but to see one for myself...'

See what?

They couldn't have figured out that I wasn't human already. Had they?

There was a silence as she became lost in her thoughts. I heard footsteps as they came closer to my bed. Everything in me screamed to open my eyes, but I knew if I did I would lose what information I could get out of them.

'Like what?' I heard a softer male voice say.

Another pause, to shrug? 'I don't know Ian.' She sighed.

She was lying. I could hear it in her voice.

'Fine.' He appeared to give in. 'Is she like a refugee? A runner?'

A predator.

I felt fingers brush my hair. 'Perhaps. All we need to do is wait for her to wake up.'

'She's been asleep for 3 days!' I heard the original male say in an exasperated voice. 'How much more bloody time does she need?!'

'If we didn't have the sophisticated medicine beyond your time, she would be needing a lot longer than that.' The female retorted, a spark of anger in her voice. 'Her body had more wounds than mine, yet she wasn't dehydrated. She's lucky to be alive.' Her voice turned soft again as she continued to run a hand through my hair.

I internally cringed.

Touching me was a no. I did not liked to be touched.

Something must have changed on my face, because the female beside me suddenly said. "Doc, I think she needs another dose. Her face looks like she's still in pain, even while unconscious."

There was a shuffle around me and the sound of paper ruffling before I finally heard a soft scrape of metal.

"Coming right up." A heard a new voice beside my bed. It was older.

More tired.

I felt something touch the skin on my arm where my vein would be. There was a slight pinch before I felt something cold travel up my arm.

No sooner had the sharp pain come, it was gone. In fact, my whole body was going numb. Whatever they'd given me, it was good. It also made me tired.

I had been determined to listen to the rest of their conversation, but I soon felt my consciousness slipping away.

Then there was darkness.


By the time I woke up again, I was in a room unfamiliar to me, lying in an unfamiliar cot.  My head was pounding and my stomach felt like it was made of ash.

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