The Lead

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Shaking my head viciously to bring myself out of the horrible memory, I took the next exit that brought me to the cyro facility. If my mind kept replaying these memories I had the notion to go to the Healers to get it examined to see if it was defective.

Surely normal humans had more control than this? Was it the old host tormenting me? It did not make sense seeing as I could feel no other presence within me.

By the time I had pulled up, I could see a silver gleam in the distance and hear the distinct sound of a high horsepower car shooting up the road.

It seemed Roe was also learning to speed.

He was learning well.

By the time I had entered the building and talked to the officials, Roe was getting out of the car as I was being shown outside to one of the trucks at the farthest end.

'As you said Seeker, we did receive new additions of capsules over the days. We have counted them and you delivered two new capsules.'

I nodded my thanks. 'Thank you for your precision. I will send the forms over when I am back at my office. Did you also to happen to remember the vehicle that was used to deliver the capsules as well?'

I was drawing on straws asking this question, but I would be more foolish to not ask at all.

She seemed nonchalant. 'The vehicles that enter here are all registered. As usual there are two trucks in the morning that leave towards San Diego and one in the afternoon that leaves to Tucson and another after the sun sets that leaves towards San Diego.'

That was it. The last one. It wasn't on our list, and I knew that no truck returned that late to the San Diego capsule facilities, which meant it must have been heading towards the Arizona desert.

There was my string.

I felt the excitement spark. I had a lead. It was no longer a string, this was something I could physically grab if I was patient. But to further substantiate this, I needed to formulate a plan, but to first to do that I needed to track their movements.

Looking at my watch, I realised I only had a few hours left. Thanking the soul again, I left the facility and quickly straddled my motorbike, firing up the engine with a gunning roar. 'Roe, I need you to do something for me.'

He pulled out a notepad. I admired his earnestness.

'Go get me a map of the topography of this area that also includes the Arizona desert.'

He didn't question, I got the feeling he was beginning to trust me despite not fully understanding a situation.

This was good, especially seeing as I wasn't going to tell anyone what I was about to do.

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