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By the time I'd actually managed to change into my "disguise", I was already thoroughly pleased. When I looked at myself in the mirror, aside from my impeccable makeup and hair (eyes excluded) - I was for all intents and purposes: human.

Even if it was a disguise, I'd made sure to choose an outfit that made sense in the landscape I would be in. The lightweight jacket with many pockets I'd chosen was to show the humans I was resourceful. Before I'd come back to my apartment I'd made sure to go back to the local supermarket and stash all the pockets with food and resources that would last me through the desert.

I'd also decided to splurge a little and even put in a few protein bars.

Nothing built muscle like doing a marathon in the desert.

I also had a little silver cylinder in my back pocket that Dr Root had given me as a "tester". I had initially refused, but after he explained what it did - it was impossible to refuse.

Outside the sky was still dark. I was not foolish enough to start this quest in the middle of the day. The Arizona Desert was an unforgiving place. Although I prided myself in my strength and my ability to withstand the heat had increased considerably over the past few weeks, it would be idiotic to begin the trek in 40 degree weather. Without cloud cover, the heat would only be more suffocating.

By the time I'd finished packing and made it outside to my motorcycle, it was still dark. I'd also made sure to give wide berth to the gym in case Victor decided to wake up extra early this morning. No matter how early I'd been trying to wake up and arrive before him, he always somehow managed to be there before I arrived - which unnerved me greatly.

The only possessions I had were the clothes on my back. Surely the humans would search me, and if they found anything suspicious any hopes I had of infiltrating would be dashed.

Tearing up the highway, I took the exit the navigator in my helmet told me to take. Gliding down the lanes, my bike leaned to the side and headed straight towards the Arizona Desert. This whole time I'd refused to allow myself to think of anything but the mission.

Failure was not an option.

Failure didn't exist in my vocabulary. I would succeed.

I had to.

At this time of the night, I was the only vehicle on the road - save for the odd soul here and there, each one giving me weird looks as I tore past them faster than the speed of light. If I was correct, Roe should be leaving around now with another Seeker to come and pick up my bike at the drop off location and return it to my apartment. The apartment complex I was a part of was connected to the main Seeker complex, an area only accessible if you were a Seeker. This therefore made me confused as to why Victor had been allowed access to the gym.

Had he chosen to be a Seeker?

Although the answer was obvious, it still gave me an involuntary shiver. Victor would no doubt also be treated as a god. With so much power at his disposal, I had trouble thinking about what he would do with it.

My mission was secret, if word spread, I would become compromised. Therefore I only allowed a select few know my whereabouts.

Once I came to stop, my skin began to feel the biting cold when I took my helmet off. My thermal jumper underneath my jacket provided little comfort amongst the frosty temperatures in this area.

With practised ease, I opened the slick black case and carefully inserted the contacts into my eyes. Who knew how soon I could meet the humans?

Wasting no time, I pinned in my location on my motorbike's navigation system and immediately began walking. There would be no wasting time, not if I wanted to get a head start on the heat. Despite how cold it was now, I knew I would dislike the heat even more. When I looked around, there was only a dead horizon in all directions.

I was off the grid.

Now my journey began.

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