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The sun had begun to bake my skin. After a few hours in this relentless heat and only just now beginning to feel the effects of it, I felt a smug grin beginning to spread along my lips.
After first being implanted into this host, I was disappointed to discover that it had almost never seen one day of hard work in its life. It's muscles had been soft - weak. 

After spending most of my life terms in the Fire Planet, I found this vulnerability a hindrance. It would take a while for me to rectify that problem, therefore leaving me with no other option as to what my Calling would be.

A Seeker.

There was nothing else more physically demanding nor mentally stimulating like the role of a Seeker. I was surprised that so many souls disliked the role. How else did they think we conquered planets?

Almost unconsciously, I placed my hand on the butt of my Glock to reassure myself. Latest intel had informed us that the disappearances of souls around this area was growing exponentially. Upon request to be assigned to this area, I had met no resistance. 

It seemed that my reputation had proceeded me.

My initial reaction to that had been irritation, an emotion that was becoming more prominent in this host. It had been surprising how quick the emotions took over this body - and so strongly!

My reputation as a Seeker had both its benefits and its downfalls. On the good side, anything that I requested was gladly given to me. They trusted me so implicitly - as was our nature - especially with my reputation for getting things done. Then again, wherever I walked, I could see the other souls look at my gun nervously, the walk by quickly. Violence was something frowned upon on every planet I had been to. The only people who did not flinch away from me were other Seekers. It had been exactly the same on all the other planets.

Before I had come to this planet, I had heard from sources that Seekers were celebrated here - heroes. Yet, upon arrival it seemed that phase had long since passed. Things had become peaceful and settled. Violence was now a thing of the past.

Fortunately, it seemed that even after this planet had been conquered, we had not been able to fully quell all unoccupied humans. It seemed that humans were smarter than other species we had experienced thus far. That was not to say they were smarter than the Spiders (the Spiders are the smartest species of all the planets), but the difference had been that the Spiders had welcomed us. Accepted us.

The humans did not.

Now that in itself presented another dimension of problems, especially considering they possessed a strong tendency to resort to violence. There was also another problem.

They were somehow managing to successfully remove souls from their human hosts - at least, that it what I believe. Despite my infamous past lives and credibility, other souls refused to believe that humans could remove souls successfully. No matter how many statements I made, they were all rejected.

To admit that humans could remove souls was the same as admitting that humans knew our most sacred secret. Which would be the equivalent to saying that there was a soul out there that had gone rogue. Or had been taken over.

Therefore I had self-assigned myself the mission of finding it. It as only when I mentioned that a soul had been defeated by its human host rather than it willingly handing over trade secrets, was I given resources to help me locate it. 

Or 'them'. 

It would be foolishness to assume that there was only one soul out there that had been taken over. Yet at the same time it seemed like an impossibility that even one soul would defect, let alone two or more.

Over the weeks I had not only been working on this body to handle extreme condition, but I had also begun combing through health facilities around the 'hot' area.

'Seeker.' A young man walked up to me, an unusual frown on his face. 'Please clarify. It seems that we have been assigned to subdue and remove the resistance.'

I quirked an eyebrow. 'You are correct.'

He frowned, thinking about the right word to say. 'Then why are we in these health facilities? Should we not be out looking for their base?'

'We are here to check capsules.'

His frown deepened, a look unusual on most of my species race. 'Forgive me Seeker, but how does that connect to the resistance?'

In soul years, he was very young compared to me, hence his polite language, even though our host bodies indicated that his body had seen more years of life. It was becoming increasingly rare for new souls to meet a soul that had been to more than one or two planets, let alone one that had been to more than three, and also been to the Fire Planet - like me.

I was something like a war veteran with all my experience here.

But my age combined with my reputation made the gap somewhat unfathomable. I admired his courage to speak up.

'Humans are successfully removing souls, correct?' I asked.

He nodded.

I continued. 'According to our recent reports there has been a surplus of capsules being sent away to the furthermost regions of the galaxy. Quadrants so far away that centuries would have passed by here before a soul had even reached the intended planet. Under most circumstances this information would be overlooked, but if my theory is correct, the souls that have been successfully removed by the humans are being sent away.'

'Are the humans not a brutal race? It seems unusual that they would grant us the courtesy of departure.'

He was trying hard to understand my train of thought. His name was Lights the Road. A scout, born here on Earth. I was surprised he had chosen to be a Seeker as his first Calling.

'Which is exactly why it is questionable that a soul has been takenover by their host. It is human nature to destroy. But a SOUL on the other hand...' 

'Is kind and would not wish to kill.' He whispered, eyes clearing. 


The sliding doors opened as I walked into the facility. Roe (Lights the Road) tailed behind me as Iwalked up to the reception desk that was sterile and completely austere except for the single tulip held in the clear vase by the receptionist. She looked up when she saw me approach and smiled kindly. 'How can I help you?' 

'My name is Phoenix Steele and I have come to do an inspection. I have clearance up to level 4.' 

The highest level. I handed her the slip of paper with the insignia on it. 

'Certainly Seeker.' She pressed a button on the desk then handed me a silver card. 'This will allow you to access our facilities. I have summoned a guide to come and help lead you around.' Another smile. 

I gave another quick nod. 'Your kindness is much appreciated.'

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