A Kiss

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For the first time since being inserted into this host and becoming for all intents and purposes - human, my mind went blank and my body refused to respond.

It was strange, being completely and utterly shocked into a state of nothingness. I had no idea what was going on. My host had never experienced something like this before. I was flicking through all the memories I could muster in this host to explain what was going on. Unfortunately, this body reacted on its own.

Heat rushed into my cheeks and a shiver ran down my spine.

How could a move so simple have such an effect on me?

To my dismay, this host's memories were beginning to fade the more time I spent in this body. As if the existence that once occupied this body before had disappeared - taking the memories along with it.

This then made it difficult for me to interpret this host's memories of a kiss. I was becoming frantic.

How was I meant to respond?

My host's memories finally yielded some fruit: a kiss was a way to express affection.

Before I could think anymore on how to respond, Victor's kissed deepened momentarily before he pulled away.

I was left not knowing what to do - a situation I loathed. I never didn't know what to do.

Nevertheless, all I could do was touch my lips.

'It seems your host is somewhat...innocent.' Victor said with a smirk.

His words allowed coherent thought to finally enter my mind. I glared at him. 'You mean uncorrupted by human desire. Yes.'

He tilted his head. 'How long have you been on this planet? I would've thought you of all souls would have already come to grips with the hosts here.'

'I have.' I straightened up, forcing my body to respond. 'It is precisely because I have come to grips with the host bodies here that I am.. cautious in what I do with it.'

Victor stretched out his hand, as if he was testing it. 'Although I have not been here for a full rotation of this planet, I am already disappointed in these hosts.'

I scoffed. 'No host is good enough for you.'

His gaze returned to me after he lowered his arm. A involuntary shiver ran through my body. 'Quite the contrary, the fire planet exceeded my expectations - as I am sure you would understand.'

'I would refrain on making too many harsh judgements when all you've seen is the bland walls of this room.' I saw a soul - a girl - out the corner of my eye. Her eyes had bugged a little, as if she couldn't believe someone had just talked this alpha male down.

In truth, all his taunts had worn me thin. I didn't have the patience anymore to smile and be welcoming. Instead, I turned around, in a hurry to leave. I was beginning to feel suffocated by his presence in this room. I needed fresh air.

As I reached the door frame I stopped, glanced back at Victor and gave him a bland smile, hoping that my expression didn't betray my inner emotional turmoil.

'Welcome to earth Victor. I am sure someone will be by shortly to educate on the rules of this planet.'

His penetrating gaze with his coal-like eyes made me suck in a breath as he finally said. 'Certainly Miss Steele.'

My voice was controlled. 'I am a Seeker here. You are still free to choose your position here I am sure. Why not try a Comforter?'

He didn't even respond to my jab. I know I was lashing out at him for kissing me, but what else could I do? His nonchalance about the whole thing made it even worse.

Victor smirked. 'We shall see, Miss Steele.'

His lack of formality made my jaw clench. When I looked at him, I knew he was doing it on purpose to get a rise out of me.

Instead, I smiled. 'Goodbye Victor.'

Quickly, I turned and left. My body was numb and my emotions raging. It was the first time since being inserted into this host that I was unable to control this body properly. I despised not being in control. Victor seemed to be able to manipulate me how he wanted even though he'd only been on this planet a few hours.

Hopefully, I wouldn't see him anytime soon.

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