The Game Begins

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As the days passed by and my plan grew more elaborate, I began to change from a holistic point of view to a more pointed one.

Although I did know where they would come and at what time - that wasn't enough. If I merely captured those who came to deliver the capsules, I would be failing to find the core of the resistance.

A diseased plant needed to be pulled out by its roots.

Therefore, I needed an alias. I was going to infiltrate this hideout. I wasn't stupid enough to assume this was the only resistance out there.

But it was the only one I knew of.

This then presented a problem. If I completely eradicated this resistance it would be like a red alert for any other settlements of remaining humans. I needed to be crafty.

If I infiltrated this resistance, surely I would find strings to others. Then I would take them out.

One by one.

Smiling to myself, I slowly browsed the clothes isles in the local supermarket. The pristine white Seeker suit that now adorned my body was too obvious - I needed something low-key. Something worn out. Therefore, I exited the market and crossed the street to enter the thrift store. As soon as I walked through the front doors, I knew I'd made the right choice.

Everything was old, worn out human clothing. The souls that now occupied their hosts had no need for old clothes, especially seeing as they could get everything for free anyway.

In no time at all - I had selected a pair of old faded jeans, some practical sneakers, a light weight hiking jacket with many pockets and two short sleeved tops. As I took them and walked out of the store, I nodded my thanks to the store clerk who waved me goodbye.

On the way back, I stopped by the research facility and strode up to the reception desk. They were much the same anywhere I went. Clean. Austere. Nothing personal except for maybe the added local flora.

'Phoenix Steel with clearance up to level 4. I am here to see if the product I requested has been finished.'

The receptionist punched the numbers into her computer and quickly made a call. After she put the phone down, she stood and respectfully gestured down the hall. 'This way, I will lead you to Roots Through the Light.'

I called him Dr Root (or just Doctor). His proper name was too long and I didn't have the time to try to say it right when there was information I wanted. He didn't seem to mind either.

The receptionist led me to their testing facility where I was left to enter the room alone. Inside, I was met with the familiar pristine whiteness of white floor and white walls. After being on so many planets, the white shades they used here lacked variety. I had enjoyed the heat on the fire planet, although immune, it was much like eating spicy food with an acquired taste for things that packed a punch.

Dr Root looked up from where he sat at a desk at the corner of the room. In the centre of the room, was a large mechanical device that was only recently created - at my request.

'Ah Seeker.' He stood up and met me halfway across the room. 'You've come just in time.'

I smiled, genuinely pleased. Dr Root was one of the few rare souls around here that I actually got along with. I didn't need to keep up any pretences. A rare occurrence.

He retrieved a small case from the machine. It could fit in the palm of my hand and was satin black. My favourite colour.

Another smile.

'Open it.' He said eagerly. 'It was a simpler process after you gave me what information you could remember from the planet of the spiders.'

Tapping a fingerprint recognition button, the lid slid open elegantly. Inside, suspended in a translucent liquid, was a pair of contacts.

These were not just any ordinary contacts, they were designed so if light was directed at our eyes, there would be no reflection to show the soul hidden within.

A perfect instrument that was necessary if I was to successfully infiltrate the resistance.

Carefully, I touched one of the contacts with the end of my finger. It adhered instantly and felt so incredibly light-weight it was as if it was not there at all.

In one quick motion I raised my hand and tilted my head up. The first try was a bit awkward, but I still got it in and had to blink away the tears.

'Very good.' The doc said, looking pleased.

There was no need to tell him that I had been practising with generic contacts back in my apartment.

Once I had inserted the second, I blinked a few times before my vision adjusted. When I looked around, I thought I was seeing things.

As I scanned my surroundings a little subscript appeared next to Dr Root.

Name: Roots Through the Light.
Occupation: Healer (specialisation: research)
Height: 5ft 7

'What is this?' I asked, trying to make it disappear but my hand passed straight through it.

'A soul recognition system.' Dr Root said, looking pleased. 'I will be sending more updates with time, but it is only a trial model after all. There is much promise to further this beyond what it was originally intended for.'

All I was after was the anti-reflection, but I wasn't blind to the possibility of something that could prove useful on my attempt to blend in with the humans.

Except he didn't need to know that.

When I left the building, I found myself counting down the days until my mission began. I had used the map that Roe had given me and managed to chart the path of the vehicle that the humans used to send off cyro tanks. Secretly, I had planted a tracker underneath the vehicle that was programmed with satellite coverage of the Arizona desert.

Everything was falling into place.

I had even managed a tan after choosing to work in the sun without sunscreen. A feat I was proud of - it gave me a warm hardened glow. I wasn't fond of the sickly pale look on most of the people I saw. Although they had supplements to prevent vitamin D deficiency - their sickly pallid look did not appeal to me.

I was even fortunate enough to be inserted into a host that had olive undertones in her skin, with a hint of freckles splashed across the face and skin.

Speeding down the highway, I noticed that I was grinning when I glanced at myself in my rear view mirror. The normal irritation that normally plagued my mind was now being replaced with an exciting anticipation. Everything was falling into place. In a few days, I would be putting my legendary name to the test.

In a few days - the Seekers Game would begin.

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