"Well, not now you aren't because you look kinda stuck," Hiccup admitted as he tried to hide his smile at the scene. "We know that Mr Trader didn't kill your husband..."

"Yes he did!" she spat out interrupting Hiccup.

"Why do you say that?" Astrid asked calmly, observing the woman twisting and writhing.

"Well, I just went to see my hubby since he decided to work late again and probably forgot to eat. The man rarely ate then but when I got there he was slumped over his desk. Johann was there and he pushed me aside and then ran out of the office."

"But you didn't see Mr. Trader commit the actual deed?" Astrid asked now, keeping her voice low and sympathetic.

"Who else could it be?!" Clarissa said with great venom. "That man had the audacity to try and buy out the company shares. The same company both he and my darling had spent many years building up. He had visited earlier in the day and they had disagreed over the sale of shares. And to think that after the wake he'd confront me like that."

"Mr. Trader talked to you after the wake?" Astrid asked as she fished her pad out of her bag and wrote something down.

"The day after. He came to our.....my... house," Clarissa stated, kicking furiously and budging an inch. "He was talking some crap about wanting to buy the shares I'd inherited. Saying my husband was going to sell them to him."

"Do you have any proof that your husband was going to sell?"

"No" Clarissa stated fiercely, her beautifully coiffed hair now sagging over her face. "When I wouldn't budge he dared to come onto me!" Hiccup nearly choked at this statement and before Astrid could ask him if he was alright he quickly asked the widow:

"Excuse me, could you repeat that?'

"Johann dared to put his hand on my knee and proposition me!" Clarissa alleged, becoming agitated and pushing furiously against the frame. "Don't look at me like that boy! I have a witness!"

"And.... who is your witness?" Astrid asked as she tried to calm the widow. Hiccup was staring at her in shock.

"The poolboy Enrique. He was there when Johann visited. He heard the commotion and came to check on me." Clarissa stated. "He'll testify."

"That will be all," Astrid said soothingly, elbowing Hiccup. "We are sorry to trouble you, Mrs Bludvist. You have our condolences..."

"Johann Trader is an evil piece of work," she spat. "He even tried to blackmail me..." Not saying a word, Astrid glanced back up.

"Hmm?" she managed, seeing the woman slide forward a few inches.

"Just because he thought he had some leverage doesn't mean I'll sell him my best assets!" she spat.

"What leverage could he possibly have?" Hiccup murmured. Clarissa glared at him.

"Right-this is harassment!" she spat. "You'll be hearing from my lawyers!" Hiccup looked startled as she suddenly came free and plunged face-first into the camellia bushes. There was a blood curdling scream and the woman looked up, her face covered in soil. "MY MANICURE!" she wailed. "I only just got that done. Every week at Gianni's..."

"And we're out of here," Astrid said, grabbing Hiccup and steering him to the car. "Okay, what did we find out?"

"She was too small for the window?" Hiccup suggested as Astrid floored the gas pedal.

"She really didn't want to talk to us," Astrid said. "Enrique isn't just the pool boy."

"He's the leverage?" Hiccup asked and Astrid nodded.

"I'm not sure Drago Bludvist would want to risk a substantial amount of his fortune on divorcing her over a fling with the pool boy," she said.

"Didn't he have a prenuptial agreement?" Hiccup asked but Astrid shook her head as they arrived at the main highway. They pulled out with a screech of tyres and Hiccup yelping and hanging onto the door.

"Nope," Astrid said firmly. "He fell in love with her and thought with his lower half not his head. Even ignored his lawyer's advice-Viggo was very pissed at that."

"But boy, you took a dislike to her straight away, didn't you?" she commented. He nodded.

"She asked the reception staff to lie to us rather than just say she didn't want to talk," he reminded her. "That's pretty shabby. And pretty dishonest. So maybe that's the kind of person who would think that maybe it's cheaper to kill a husband then get divorced and risk the luxury lifestyle?"

"While not risking your manicure," Astrid commented. "Well, at least we know one thing: she wasn't a witness to the murder. And that means we have a shot at reasonable doubt."

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