Part 4

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Chapter 4

Hiccup sat in front of his advisor's office waiting for his turn. He stood up as the door opened to reveal the previous occupant. It was one of the ladies from his year and she looked sad.

"Next!" a gruff voice shouted and Hiccup entered the office.

"Ah, Mister Haddock," Alvin, the High School guidance counselor and all around bane of students' careers, actually smiled as he saw Hiccup. "What brings you here Hiccup? Some last minute prep before you sent off your College applications?"

"Actually......" Hiccup looked nervous. He was twiddling his thumbs together and not looking Alvin in the eye. "I want to change my university of choice," he hastily said.

"You do?" Alvin frowned. "Well there are other very fine engineering schools besides Archipelago University. M.I.T., Columbia, Texas A&M..." Alvin started to sum up.

"Actually...." Hiccup mumbled as Alvin reached for his tea. "I want to go to Harvard Law school." Alvin froze: luckily he had hadn't taken a sip of his drink otherwise he would have been spewing it everywhere.

"Law school?" Alvin now looked at Hiccup incredulously. Hiccup had always been one of his favorites since he knew which career path he wanted to follow. This...... was surprising.

"Yes, I want to go to Harvard Law," Hiccup told Alvin with conviction. Alvin glanced at the boy's file and mumbled "Well they don't just take anyone."

"I have a 4.0 GPA," Hiccup stated and Alvin nodded.

"Only most of your coursework is in engineering classes. Are you sure Law school is what you want?" Alvin tried.


"Well..... You'll need three recommendation letters from your teachers as well as a great admissions essay." Alvin told Hiccup. "You'll also need to score at least 170 on the LSATs."

"No problemo," Hiccup told the man while giving him a mock salute. "Thanks for the advice," he said before skipping out of the office. Alvin sat there for a moment before reaching into his desk drawer and taking out the flask of whiskey he kept there for...... 'emergencies'.

That was how Alvin's secretary found him ten minutes later, emptying the flask. "Sir?" Savage asked as he looked at his boss who groaned. "What happened?"

"I think one of my students, one of the very promising students, just woke up one morning and decided they were going to Harvard," Alvin answered as he nearly faceplanted on the desk.

"Oooookayyyy...." Savage said. "By the way, your three o'clock is here." Alvin groaned but nodded.

The next time Camicazi and Throk visited Hiccup they were in for a surprise. Well, Hiccup was in for a surprise first. He was used to Cami coming in through his window, he just wasn't used to Throk following her lead.

"Hurry up you big baby!" Cami had her hands on her hips as she narrowed her eyes at Throk who was stuck in Hiccup's window. "This is what you get for eating all those tacos!"

"You were the one feeding me those damn things!" Throk quipped back as he flailed his arms. "Now help me out!"

"Hold your damn horses!" Cami shouted. It was only after she had gotten Throk unstuck that both friends noticed the books on the floor around Hiccup.

"What are you doing Hiccup?" Throk asked as he leafed through one of the books.

"Studying for the LSATs." Hiccup told them plainly. "Guys...... I'm going to Harvard Law school."

"YOU'RE WHAT?!" Cami shouted, looking even less thrilled than Hiccup was. "Hiccup, please for the love of Thor don't tell me you're throwing away your future as an Engineer by chasing after that evil harpy Heather!"

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