Part 14

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Chapter 14

The ride back to the firm was in silence as Hiccup thought of what to tell Professor Grimborn. When they reach an intersection near the firm Astrid did say "You know I have to tell Viggo right?"

"I know," Hiccup stated.

"Hiccup, is this alibi worth hiding?" Astrid asked. Hiccup nodded and then mumbled:

"Even if it didn't, I did give my word." He looked down to his laced hands "It was a really personal alibi," Hiccup gulped. "I just can't tell Viggo."

"Okay," Astrid said and Hiccup looked at her. "I'll try to cover for you if I can."

"T...Thanks," Hiccup mumbled.

"Don't thank me yet," Astrid stated. "You're still the one to tell Viggo."

Hiccup gulped after they entered the conference room where the others were already seated. As Astrid had said she let him explain things-and as Hiccup had guessed, Viggo Grimborn was less than impressed.

"Let me get just reiterate," Viggo Grimborn said coldly, his dark brown eyes seeming to bore into Hiccup's hunched shape. "You have uncovered Johann's alibi-and yet you refuse to divulge it to me." Hiccup nodded miserably, hearing the anger in the man's voice. In fact the professor seemed to be turning rather purple due to his ire.

"Yes, sir," he admitted.

"Even though you were dispatched with the explicit task of uncovering said alibi?" Viggo checked with biting sarcasm. Hiccup nodded.

"Yeah...sorry, sir," he mumbled. Shaking his head with exasperation, Viggo paced up and down and finally leaned on the table with both fists, glaring at the student intern.

"I demand you tell me the alibi!" he growled. Bracing himself, Hiccup looked up and sighed.

"I can't," he sighed. "Look, Professor Grimborn, no one wants to make this easier for you than I do. I mean, what student intern doesn't want to curry favour with their mentor? But he would only tell me the alibi if I promised not to tell anyone. And I gave my word. All I can tell you is that Johann did not kill the victim."

"And you realise he manipulated you?" Viggo exploded in exasperation, almost tearing at his cropped hair. Hiccup nodded.

"Yes, sir," he said tonelessly. "That was pretty obvious. Astrid has chewed me out as well for being so naive. But I gave my word. It was attorney-client privilege."

"And you are neither his attorney nor his client so that doesn't apply!" Viggo snapped. "Astrid, could you please explain to your puppy?" Closing her eyes in irritation at the low blow, the blonde turned her head to the auburn-haired intern.

"Hiccup, I understand your reasoning but Professor Grimborn is correct," she explained more kindly-because Viggo had been shouting at Hiccup for ten minutes now and she could see how awful the young man was feeling. The blonde attorney had noted Heather smirking superiorly and passing not-too-subtle comments to Fishlegs just loud enough for Hiccup-and Astrid-to hear. "As an unqualified person, you cannot hold the same legal privilege as a fully qualified attorney-at-law." Sighing, Hiccup looked into her blue eyes and saw her support there.

"I understand," he said, causing Viggo to briefly relax. "Except...I was accompanying one of his legal team, I was acting in a professional capacity and he had an expectation of confidentiality when he spoke to me. And I gave my word."

Viggo snorted and Heather laughed aloud, immediately drawing his ire.

"No one requested your opinion, Miss Bazirk," he said cuttingly. "At least Mr Haddock won the trust of the client. I gather your assignment was wholly unsuccessful and you found nothing. And in recognition of that..." He glared at her. "I require a fresh coffee-freshly brewed Guatamalan, strong, 10cc full fat goat's milk. And about five minutes ago!" Heather stared at him. "NOW! Fetch me a coffee!" Blushing, Heather rose and left the room as Hiccup watched her, almost feeling sympathy but recalling Astrid's words about her own experiences during her training. He wondered how Heather would cope with the low level sexism and whether she would have the resilience to rise above her irritation and prove to Grimborn that she was worth taking seriously. Or if she would buckle and be unable to cope with not everything going the way she always wanted it.

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