Chapter 10

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Saturday morning, my phone has not stopped vibrating. I wonder who has been calling me so much. Oh, no! Kimberly's husband is dead! She is probably devastated right now. Taylor must not be here and I'm the only person she has. The drive is twenty-three minutes but I'm rushing to her.

Her phone keeps going straight to voicemail which is making me go faster. I can't call Taylor, because I have no number to call him. I'm so glad Steve texted me to tell me. Him and Kimberly's husband were in business together a year ago.

Today is their final goodbye, I can't believe I barely got the news. I'm wearing red which is totally inappropriate for a burial. At least, I'm going and that is all it matters.

The ceremony has started and there is like eight people only all around. When I walk inside the circle, Kimberly is sobbing standing all alone. The wind is blowing so hard today that I can barely walk up to her. His parents are beside her but no one is not even grabbing her right now. She needs someone to hug her, but when I'm about to, Taylor appears in the circle.

My heart stops as the man I love appears out of nowhere. The scars in his face and arms have paralyzed me. He looks in pain and I can't handle seeing him like this. His blue eyes are now faded to gray as he stands quietly between the people.

"Kimberly...I'm so sorry. I barely found out, Steve told me this morning." I never thought she would ever look like this. If you know her, you would know she is always smiling. It's always strange to see her sad, but this is different. Today, she buried her children's father and the love of her life.

"Thank you. I'm glad you're here and would you stay with me tonight?." How could I say no to her?


One of her friends is spending the night just like Taylor. This will be very uncomfortable but this is for Kimberly. We are the only people she has left in this world. Kimberly's father-in-law took her children with him for a couple of days. The good thing is we are all here for her and especially him.

I honestly thought he wouldn't be here. He looked so hurt earlier, I want it to hug him so bad. After him hurting me again, here I am again still loving him. Kimberly wants me in her room tonight and I'm so glad she does. It will only be her and me alone.

"Hi, you must be a friend of Kimberly. I'm Jessica." This girl looks nice, and if she's friends with Kimberly she must be. Jessica is really pretty, with her long wavy black hair and fit body.

"Yes. I'm Michael...I will be staying with her tonight." She smiles but suddenly it fades away. When I turn back to see what she is looking at my face changes too. Taylor is walking towards us and now he is changed into his sleeping clothes. I miss the way he looked in his green shirt with gray sweatpants. He's always dressed in tight clothing and you never get to see him like this.

"Hey, Taylor long time no see." Well, there goes my chance of liking this girl. She is all over Taylor and today is not the day to be acting like a slut. I wonder if she stayed over for Kimberly or him.

"Kimberly, can I come in." With the door half open I walk to her. She grabs my hand and pulls herself up.

"Thanks for being here, I know it must be hard. He had an accident so he's staying here. I'm so sorry if you can't...

She is worried about me."Stop. You don't need to worry, okay? We are here because we love...well..."

Kimberly stops sobbing." Jessica, I know she is staying over because of him. She could never let him go and I forgive her because we have been friends forever. Don't listen or take her seriously, he loves you."

My tears match her's as we both begin to cry. The door suddenly opens it happens to be him.

"Sorry. I will come back another time." He looks nervous or hurt, I can't tell anymore.

"It's fine Taylor. I'm going to go get water for both of us." He moves from the door and steps in. I rushed to the kitchen and just before I get there something grabs my attention. A room door is open and in the room is Jessica. The room has Taylor's bags in it and she is all over the bed laying down. And jealousy starts to take over me! I walk as fast back and forth to Kimberly's room.

"I love him. You know that Kimberly but I keep fucking things up. He deserves fucken hurt me to see him and not be able to fucking grab him. The only reason I keep coming back it's for him...but...

His words hit me like bullets to my heart but I couldn't let him continue. I opened the door slowly, trying to pretend I didn't hear anything. He clears his tears and rushes out of the room. The whole night, my mind keeps repeating what he said.

I love him. You know that Kimberly but I keep fucking things up. He deserves fucken hurt me to see him and not be able to fucking grab him. The only reason I keep coming back it's for him. I love him. You know that Kimberly but I keep fucking things up. He deserves fucken hurt me to see him and not be able to fucking grab him. The only reason I keep coming back it's for him...

The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed. I shout for Kimberly but she doesn't answer. When I walk to the kitchen Jessica and Taylor are eating breakfast together.

Let the awkward moment begin...

An Unusual EndingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin