Chapter 2

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I have awakened on my sofa, covered with half a blanket. With a beautiful-naked barely covered man on my floor. He happens to be the man who ruined my life two years ago. The man I gave everything to and just threw it all away. This man who I once wrote a fantasy about drove me crazy. I love this man and yesterday was proof that I do.

Steve is knocking at my door. Taylor's watch says it's eight o'clock in the freaking morning! I'm so tired, I can barely put back my clothes on to open the door. I need to wake him up before I open the door for Steve to come in.

"Taylor. Hey, wake up. Please." He opens one eye and with that, I run to the door.

When I open the door Steve almost comes in running." What took you so long." He says with his eyes all around and luckily Taylor is nowhere to be seen.

"I...need to tell you...something." He turns to look at me with concern on his face. Steve is not going to like this but I have to tell him. He's so sweet by bringing me breakfast and coming over looking like this. I have never seen him this lazy. He has gray-cotton sweatpants on with a gray t-shirt. His curly hair is now all over the place and there's even one hanging on his face.

"Steve, please don't get mad but..." I'm interrupted by a shirtless Taylor walking between us. He's only wearing these tight-black boxers and Steve's face is now red.

"Taylor is staying here." Steve doesn't seem to be able to say anything. His eyes are stuck on Taylor, who is finally walking away from us.

"He couldn't stay at a hotel. Why did you even let him stay over after..."I think he's trying to calm himself.

"He doesn't have money and I need to move on." I know that look and I know it's over. Steve gave me that look when Taylor broke up with me. He was so mad and he wanted to go beat him up. I had to calm him and beg him not to. I don't deserve him and now I feel guilty!

"Okay. I will call you later. Bye Taylor." This is the first time he has ever left without kissing me. I can't believe how stupid I am to have cheated on him with Taylor. He doesn't deserve this and I need to fix this!

"Very funny, Taylor." He thinks this is funny, I'm going to go psycho on him.

"We are getting married, Steve proposed to me a few weeks ago. Why did you have to do that." His mouth opens but nothing come out."What happened yesterday, can't happen again."

With everything said I walk over to my room.

"Do you love him? Because I know for sure that you don't. You love me and you know it." He says and for a second has taken over me. I turn myself to face him and walk over to where he is close.

"I don't love you. I love him and he loves me. You hurt me remember that. You said you weren't gay and that you couldn't be with me. You took me to heaven and dropped me to hell. He brought me back to life when you killed me. He is my heaven, you are my hell, and I fell right into the trap again."

I never thought I could ever confront Taylor as I did right now.

"I made a mistake. You were the only person that ever did love me. And I hurt you. I'm sorry, but you love me still and yesterday was proof of that. I love you and I have changed." His eyes have changed to a darker blue. They are tears rolling down his face but I can't bring myself to believe him.

"Taylor. I'm marrying Steve no matter what. You can stay here but we won't happen again."

"Give me another chance." I can't have him this close to my face.

"One last chance. But I am not breaking off the engagement. Steve doesn't deserve it and I wouldn't be able to live with it."

Taylor is in shock by the looks of it. He probably expected a "no" and an I-never-want-to-see-you-again answer.

"So...what should we do." He really can't believe it still. This is so funny to me and I'm so taking advantage of this.

"I don't know what you decide." Taylor has never been this nervous he's pacing back and forth.

I have an idea but I'm not sure if he would be up for it.

"I have an idea. We have known nothing about each other for two years. Let's talk about what happened between those two years."

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