Chapter 5

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 "Hey, Professor Garza." Taylor is here! With a huge smile, I turn back to face him. He has a bag of food with him from the cafeteria, and the memories begin to take over both of us, as we walk toward my class. He takes a hold of my hand and my whole body shivers. I never imagined we would ever do this and here we are.

After we eat, I mentioned what happened today," Alexa asked me if you were single after you left." He is going to enjoy this!

"Are you jealous?." He lets out a big laugh and walks inside my room. I roll my eyes at him which makes him laugh harder. With a kiss, he lets go of me and leaves.


When the time to go home finally comes, I rush to my car. I already want to see Taylor. He's all alone in my apartment, our apartment.

"Hey. I'm glad you are home." He says walking over to me shirtless. My sad feeling of coming home every day is gone! With this gorgeous man waiting for me to get home." Kimberly is hosting this dinner and wants us to go."

Oh, Kimberly! I love her and it's been so long. We used to talk and hang out every day. Taylor hated that we spent so much time together because of how she is. Kim is very intrusive in everyone's relationships and more with us.

"Sure. It's been so long, I miss her." Knowing Tayor, I know he doesn't want to go. He never liked going to her parties, but always end it up going. She was always there for him! The least he can do is go to her parties since they never see each other.

This is the first time in forever since we have been in a bedroom together. I want to jump on top of him! He's shirtless with his jeans unbuttoned just laying on my bed. Taylor is teasing me and I can't help it.

"You know Taylor, this is not fair." I am now on top of him with my hands on his stomach. He's smiling and I can feel him through his jeans. I'm taking revenge on him. My right hand goes on his bulge and I squeeze just a little making him moan. When one of his hands is about to touch me, I smack it away. And remove me from top of me leaving him there turned on. Without noticing he appears behind me and pulls me to the wall. He pulls me close to him and enters my mouth. He is kissing me so desperately and this is how I like it. We move to the bedroom and he pushes on top of the bed. My moan is so loud that he even laughs at me. I sit up and pull his jeans down, to take him in my mouth. Taylor always loved my blowjobs but I never gave him plenty. This one is for each one, I didn't give him! Taylor is looking down on me and it's turning me on. He pushes me back and takes my pants off. Taylor is teasing me again by leaving a trail of kisses all over my body. I need him now! He begins moving inside me carefully but when I pull his hair, something triggers him off. He's moving up, and down with how fast his moving, inside and out of me.

The sex was so great, that we didn't have it for three days.

Today is Friday and it's Kimberly's dinner. We are barely driving over there and it's six-thirty! The drive is twenty-three minutes from here, but I want it to be earlier. Taylor seems a little bit nervous and is trying not to be so obvious. His whole army crew is invited and I know they will all be there. I think that is the reason why he's nervous.

"Taylor, are you going to be alright tonight," I ask him this because we have fifteen minutes outside of Kimberly's house. He takes a long breath and opens his door. We both walk together side by side to her door. When she appears out of nowhere smiling.

"Finally, you guys are here." With hugs and kisses, she welcomes us into her house. She looks so different now, with short brown hair and the clothes she has on.

"Well, you look like a grown woman," Taylor says and everyone begins laughing. They both push each other like they always do before sitting down. The guys all keep staring at Taylor and me, as we sit down at the table.

" left that blonde chick, for this hot Latino, you got good taste bro."

One of them says and Taylor gives him a death stare, this night is going to be awkward. The whole night turns out to be full of tension and quiet between all of us. I should have listened to Taylor and not agreed to come tonight.

"You always said he was there and guess that's true. Now we know why you didn't last with her. You like something else and damn I can see why." Another one says and anger begins to take over me. With a drink, I stand up and walk outside. I need some fresh air, this night has been so fucked up.

"Hey, are you okay?" Taylor is here and I want it to be alone!

"Yeah, Taylor I'm fine. I just need some air, okay." He walks closer to me and his arms go around me." They are fucking idiots, I love you." He says and Kimberly interrupts.

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't know they would behave like that. Taylor, now I know why you didn't talk to them anymore." She says and I turn to him confused. How could he not talk to them if they are his group?

"Talk to them anymore? How is that?." He turns to look at Kimberly and she walks back inside.

"They suspended me for a few months, I got in a fight with all of them. When I came back, they set me up in another group. doesn't matter anymore." Taylor is holding on to something but I need to know.

"Tell me Taylor, or I will go inside and ask them myself." With a moment of silence,I walk back inside. He pulls me from my arm back outside before anyone can see us.

"They made fun of you and then me. I said some things, that I didn't mean and then told them...I...I...loved you. After that, they wouldn't leave me alone and that is why we fought." This cycle never ends, I need to get away from him.

" you mind...if I stay here alone." His face changes in pain and walks away slowly. A few minutes, after finally being ready I walk back inside. The whole army crew is now gone and Taylor is nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Taylor?.'' I ask Kimberly, who looks really ashamed from tonight.

"He's, in the last room. I'm so sorry Michael."

An Unusual EndingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora