"Clearly some of you haven't been practicing you routine... Jenny" she fakes coughs. "Let's take ten so some of you can get your mind back on track. 

All the team scrambles away, they will do anything to get away from Brooke. I head over with Lucie, Maisy, and Riley to the bleachers. We all dig through our bags to find food. Man was I starving this morning a had a huge breakfast, but around Econ I puked it all out.

"Hey Luce, can I have some pickles" Maisy puts her hand out, motioning for Lucie to give her the damn pickles.

"Sure." She said as she held out the pickle jar in our direction.

Wafting in the smell, I was nauseated, as Maisy reached for a pickle I pushed the jar back in Lucie's direction and jumped over the bleachers. Then to ran straight for the bathroom. I started puking into the toilet. Lucie ran after me, once reaching the stall she gently gathered my hair and held it back. I felt like my body was fully giving up on itself, while I was just sick to my stomach. Leaning my back onto the side of the stall I run my hair through my sweaty hair.

"What was that?" Lucie asked.

I didn't even know myself what had just happened. But I responded with "I'm probably just sick..."

But before I could finish Brooke shouts, "Breaks over ladies, get your asses back on this floor." 

I jump to my feat and head to the sink, I run a paper towel under the warm sink water and gently dabbed the damp paper across my lips. 

Practice was always infuriating, it was always just four hours of the Brooke Ainsley show. Brooke was ranting on about how we didn't put enough effort into our routine and how we weren't as good as her when she was a freshman.

I stick my hand up into the air just so she can see, "Brooke?"

"What is it Lillian?" she rolls her eyes, shifting her weight to her left side, while tapping her right foot on the cold blue mats.

Her face was bright red and she was giving me the death stare. Just by looking at her you could tell she wanted to rip my head off, I couldn't remember what I was going to say so I just stood there like a fool and remained silent.

"Well would you look at that you managed to waste our time once again." 

I don't know what it was about Brooke Ainsley, but all it takes is five minutes with her and well... "You little... b... bit... you little bitch!"

Every girl whips their heads towards me and in unison gasp. I don't know what happened, but I completely snapped at her. The word just came out. I didn't know what to do, I placed my hand over my mouth and froze. I did what every girl on the cheerleading team wanted to do, but was too afraid of. I just called the queen of hell a bitch.

All eyes were glued on me, "Okay ladies I think that's enough for today." You could see the anger within her eyes. 

No one knew what to do, we all just stood there like mountains . "I said everyone out!" She screamed even louder pointing her finger to the door.

We've all heard Brooke angry, before but nothing like this. She would normally give you back a snarky remarks just so she could have the last word, but why not this time? Why not with me? Everyone scrambled out of the room gym, but I was still frozen. Lucie grabbed our bags, while Maisy yanked me out of the room.

I figured that Brooke didn't want to deal with me just yet. As we existed the gym you could hear the loud screams from the gym, they filled the left wing of the school.

Riley ran out if the gym the first chance she got. Riley was cousins with the Brooke so any second she doesn't have to spend with Brooke she takes. 

Maisy, Lucie and I  were completely silent as we walked back to the dorm. "Okay what the hell was that?" Maisy implored. What was I suppose to say I was still shocked and completely speechless.

"Look, we all know the B in Brooke is for bitch, but we all know you don't mess with a psycho like her." Lucie remarked.

"Okay guys I don't know what's happening, I think going crazy." A tear leaks out of my right eye I feel it slowly travel down my face. Why the hell was I so emotional. What is happening to me. Tired all day, feeling nauseated, and now just emotional train wreck.

Once again the three of them start whispering to each other. It's become a usual occurrence, this time they were probably trying to figure out what to say. 

Lucie whispers one last thing into Maisy's ear and she just gasps. After a long pause, Lucie finally spoke. 

"Hey, so Lily are you late?" Lucie saw the puzzled look on my face.

"You know did you miss your period?" I hadn't though of it I was so busy with exams I never even wondered why I suppose it was stress.

"Lily is it at all possible that you might have something in you?" The way Lucie said it I knew something was up, she was actually concerned.

"In me? Guys that doesn't even make sense" I sigh.

Maisy blurts it out "Lily are you pregnant?"

Lucie shakes her head, "wow way to ease that in." 

I just laughed, I mean c'mon not possible. How could it be I hadn't had sex since oh shit. I didn't know what to say but I had to tell them something, anything, it just isn't possible. I mean how could it be I'm always careful.

"Lily," Lucie's using her serious tone, "Think about it, you've been so lazy recently, you puked when we were eating pickles, you love pickles. Plus you just snapped at the head bitch of this school. Pregnancy is sounding like a huge possibility right now." 

I'm still laughing, but even harder now. I rub my eyes and began to yawn. There's not a possibility in this world they're correct. I turn on my phone to see it was only six o'clock. How could I be tired? 

I let out a big yawn "Hey guys I think I'm going to take a nap."

Lucie glares at me. "It's not cause I pregnant" I use my finger to air quote on pregnant. "I stayed up super late overnight the past week studying for exams."

I hear Lucie mhm me as I walk to my bed and lie down. I pull my coral covers over body and close my eyes, making sure to block out the rest of what they were saying. 

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