8 (Rewritten)

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A tall, lanky clown came on stage. His outfit was a white clown suit with red buttons. His hair was chocolate brown with wild curls everywhere. There was a light coat of white paint on his face and a basic clown diamond drawn above and below his eyes. His nose was painted a deep blood red, the same color as the diamonds around his eyes. Most clowns would overdraw their lips for an emphasized effect. However, not this clown. His lips were cherry red as his eerie smile was deep. Despite all of the makeup, his eyes were downright stunning. 

He opened his mouth to speak and his voice was deeper and huskier than I imagined.

"Can orphans eat at a family restaurant?" He begins his first.

I couldn't help but gasp. Was this suppose to be funny? His eyes twinkled with amusement as he began to tell the next joke.

"A woman visits the doctor because she has some abdominal pains and suspects that she may be pregnant. After her examination, the doctor comes out to see her," Harry starts off saying. "Well, I hope you like changing diapers," the doctor says. She replies, "Oh my god am I pregnant, am I pregnant!?" To which he responds, "No, you've got bowel cancer." He exaggerated the voices. Switching between mimicking a woman and then a man for each role.

My eyes widen as my mouth slowly opens. Unable to control my expression as a look of disbelief began to form. Harry was laughing hysterically after the joke was told. Soon his laughter faded and his eyes began to darken. Chills ran through my arms and my heart began beating faster. He looked livid.

"Tough Crowd." There was no crowd and his eyes were on me the entire time.

He spat out another joke, more aggressively this time.

"Why do cemeteries have walls and fences?" He asked, despite not expecting an answer in return. "Because people are always dying to get in!" He emphasized the final line as if hoping for me to realize how "hilarious" the joke was. Seriously, are all his jokes this fucked up?

His face contorted into fury and he strides over to me. Before I knew it, my feet began to walk slowly backwards before I turned around to sprint into a run.

My brief movement was halted when my body made contact with a hard surface. My body ached in pain when it hit the ground harshly. There I was on the ground with Harry the Clown's tall body hovering over me. I was too scared to even look up. My eyes were glued to his black clown shoes.

I slowly stood up and kept my eyes glued to the floor. I don't know if it was the fact that I was the only one at this circus, or that all of the performances were just downright creepy- but I felt scared. Weird things have been happening lately and this is another thing to add to the list. It was as if the universe was out to get me.

"Am I not funny Doll?" His husky voice whispered into my ears as his lips brushed against it.

A/N: The jokes were found on this website- https://thoughtcatalog.com/christine-stockton/2013/11/23-funny-but-depressing-jokes/

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