4 (Rewritten)

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Harley's POV

October 29th 9:45 pm

Remember when I said earlier that nothing could go wrong? I was wrong.

Right now everything is going wrong. I have absolutely nothing to wear and Liam isn't replying to my messages. I'm not much of a party girl. There was at least 3 spring dresses in my closet but that's it. 

I let out an unflattering groan and made my way into my mom's room. Maybe she has a cute dress that I could borrow. Luckily, my mother carried the same stature as me. However, she was way more bustier. I pouted looking down at my A cups. 

I was about to give up when I saw a gorgeous sleeveless black dress that came up to your mid-thighs. I don't know if I should be happy that I found a dress or creeped out that mom had something so sexy in her closet. I shuddered at the thought and put the dress on. Luckily my makeup and hair were already done as I decided to check the status with Liam and Grace.

Liam had texted 5 minutes ago saying that he'll be here any minute now. As soon as I was done reading his text- the doorbell rang.

10:34 pm

Saying that the club was huge was an understatement. I saw Grace almost to the front of the line as she ushered us to come. I felt slightly guilty for going under the rope and skipping everyone. I didn't want to want to turn around but I can feel them all glaring at the back of my head. Liam's strange friendship with the bouncer helped us through. I couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed at the place. I had no idea how he and my brother went here almost every weekend. 

As soon as we were in, Grace went dancing with Liam and I went to get a drink. I looked slightly younger than my actual age. Since I didn't have a fake ID, I decided to order some water. I guess you can call me a goody-two-shoes gal but how do people even get fake ID's? One of my biggest fears was using an actual ID once I turn of age and getting shot down for my appearance despite being old enough.

I hated getting into trouble and having friends like Grace and Liam made it almost inevitable. As I approached the bar, I saw a pair of gorgeous blue eyes with light brown hair. His stature was slightly shorter than Liam and he was very skinny.  

"What can I do for you gorgeous?" The hot bartender gave me a dazzling smile. I blushed slightly under his gaze.

"Can I have water?" I asked timidly as his eyebrows quirked upwards.

"Rum and Coke it is," he said as he turned around to make the drink. I don't usually drink alcohol so having him make me it not only made me slightly nervous but pressured to not seem rude and refuse.

The bartender turned around and handed me the brown-tinted liquid filled with ice cubes.

I smiled politely. "Thank you...." I couldn't help but trail off hoping that the handsome stranger would give me a name.

"Louis, it's nice to meet you Harley" he smirked.

I giggled and said my goodbyes to Louis as I made my way to the dance floor. It wasn't until my third sip of the concoction that I realized that I never gave Louis my name.

11:13 pm

I was feeling sick. Not drunk but nauseated. Everything was hazy and the room was slowly spinning. I've been drunk on a few occasions but this feeling was not one of being intoxicated. I looked everywhere for Liam and Grace but they were nowhere to be found.

I needed to get out of this club. It was extremely hot and stuffy. I looked around for a familiar face such as Louis but he was not at the bar. I walked out of the door and towards the direction of my house. I glanced at my phone to see if Grace or Liam had texted, but my fucking phone was dead.


The autumn chill was beginning to seep into my jacket and a hastily hurry home. The sight of my house came into my line of vision as a breath of relief escaped my lips. 

That was until I heard a familiar tune.

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