A change of view!; Izuku the Lin Kuei prodigy

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Izuku's Narrative POV
Not all men were created equal. But in a world where quirks exist, those who are born with it are gifted. Sometimes others who do not have this power are referred to as quirkless. My name is Izuku Midoriya. I am Lin Kuei and I am the grandmaster of the original hero SUB-ZERO!

-Years before U.A.-
"Can someone without a quirk be a hero?" asked Midoriya

His teachers voice broke his train of thought. "You guys are all third years now its time to start thinking about your careers and futures seriously!" I want to hand out these career forms but I assume you all want to be heroes!" He said as threw the papers in the air.

Midoriya always wanted to be a hero it was his dream but he was born quirkless on top of that his childhood best friend became his bully even giving him the nickname Deku meaning useless he made Izuku's life a living hell by teasing him,abusing him,and belittling him .

"Your aiming for UA too aren't you, midoriya? Bakugou and the rest of the class turned to look at Midoriya." They all laughed at the idea of Midoriya becoming a hero But Bakugou turned and slammed his hand on Midoriya's desk while adding an explosion making him fall back on his chair.

"FORGET THEM YOUR QUIRKLESS YOUR BELOW EVERYONE ELSE AND YOU THINK YOU CAN KEEP UP WITH ME?"screamed Bakugou as he drove Midoriya to the back of the class "its just its always been my dream and i thought i could try the entrance exam and try ."said Midoriya as the whole class mocked him.

After School Midoriya was on his phone All Might the number 1 hero and his Idol has been spotted nearby. As Midoriya picked up his quirk analysis notebook Bakugou swipes it from Izuku's Hand.

Midoriya reaches out and in that moment Bakugou incinerates it and throws it out the window into a nearby pool of water. "What im trying to say is Don't you dare go to U.A nerd"Said Bakugou as he put his hand on Izuku's uniform and started burning the uniform.

As Bakugou was walking out the door with his friends he said the words that would change Midoriya forever "if you want to be hero so bad Ive got an idea that might save you some you think you'll have a quirk in your next life go jump off a roof" Bakugou said Midoriya was filled with so many emotions in that moment he quickly turned and gave a scared/angry glare at his former best friend and his response was an evil smile whilst making explosions with his hand.

Midoriya stood in his classroom all alone crying and afraid no friends, no shoulder to cry on except his mother she is the only person in this world who is there for him... but its not enough. Midoriya went outside to go pick up his notebook and he began having thoughts that no middle schooler should ever have "Why.. why is he allowed to this to me in front everyone In front of the teachers! They just let him do what he wants i may be quirkless ....but im-im human too... im human arent I?"

Izuku's POV
As I was at home, my mother decided to take me to China to be trained by the Lin Kuei. At first, I don't know who are the Lin Kuei are but my mother knows more about them. When we were in China, a ninja greeted us and mom left me to train with the grandmaster.
"Mom, who is he?" I asked her with fear in my voice. My mom placed a hand on my head and rubbed my green hair smiling.
"That is the grandmaster. His name is Sub-Zero, dear. But most people call him Kuai Liang." Inko explained to me. And as so, my training began with most of the students teaching me the ways of the Lin Kuei.

Kuai Liang's POV
'This kid... ...He has potential but lacks the confidence in himself. He will be great to us all. Since we have to stay in the shadows, I think it's time for the young boy Izuku to become a grandmaster and live out his goals to be a hero. But, he must pass a test!' I thought as I felt Izuku's cold blood coursing through his veins.

-10 months later-
Izuku was now a master of Kombat. He is now a inch taller and his body is much more developed just like Kuai Liang. Izuku's attitude was still the same but had developed a cool calm but stoic face and determination to be a hero.

Izuku's POV
"Thank you, Grandmaster! I will see fit that I will continue training myself and become a greater hero just like my idol All Might." I said smiling. My master Kuai Liang smiled as well knowing what my destiny is.

"There is But one task you must perform to be called Grandmaster and continue your path..." The Original Sub-Zero spoke as one of the students challenged me in Mortal Kombat. We fought and I was about to lose until... something snapped and a ice sword appears in my hand. I cut his hands and legs before going for the kill, I stopped and looked at him with respect. "I will not take another's life to be victorious. You have a great talent. It would be a waste to end it!" I said as a master. My teacher was happy to know that I have changed for the better and now my goals to become a hero is the upon me!

A/N: Sorry for taking so long. Need ideas for the next story as well as others. Note that Izuku is now Lin Kuei. So, his Hero costume will be much like Sub-Zero but with the green and black hair.

To Be Continued....

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