-Part Thirteen [part one]

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Chapter 13
Cars, Clothes, Calories.

Jughead's POV

I was at the Whyte Wyrm waiting for Veronica to show up. I thought she would be the type of person to show up either really early, or really late. Never did I think she would be the person to be right on time. I allowed her to stay at her house for the week instead of my trailer so she can find out more about her parents business. It would help us in the long run for our plan. Well, not really a plan. But, that's to be discussed later...

Betty would officially become the Serpent Queen tonight. Whether the other Serpents like it or not, she's my girlfriend. Which means she becomes Serpent Queen no matter what the circumstances. With Betty's detective skills, I believe she would be the perfect fit for the Serpents.

I made my way over to the bar and saw my best friend Toni. "Hey, Pinkie."

T: "You know I hate when you call me that, right?"

J: "Yep. That's exactly why I'm still calling you it. Anyways, hit me with something. Something strong."

T: "Whatever you say." she rolled her eyes and grabbed the liquor. "What's stressing you out, Conspiracy Nut?"

J: "You'll see in a little bit."

T: "Is this about Betty becoming Serpent Queen? Jughead, listen. If this is truly what you want, if you truly think Betty is up to part, then we will," she handed the drink to me  "and will have to, anyways, accept it.

I took a swig of whatever alcoholic drink she gave me and closed my eyes tight due to the alcohol being so strong. I watched the door carefully waiting for Veronica. I don't believe the other Serpents know about the plan, yet. That's something that is going to be revealed last minute. Something I'm sure the older and middle aged Serpents would be happy about. The teen Serpents, however, may not be as ok with it. I watched the front door of the Whyte Wyrm open slowly. The figure standing in the door had a gorgeous purple dress with the collar of it lined with pearls. The dress hugged her curves while her silky raven haired draped across her shoulders. I realized that I had been staring at Veronica for a good thirty seconds. In that time, all the older Serpents were catcalling and whistling at her.

I jumped up from my seat and sped walked over to her. I flipped off the Serpents who were trying to get her to come home with them, and then grabbed Veronica by the wrist and drug her out of the building. I took her all the way to the back corner of the outside. Where all the drugs were usually disposed of. "What the hell Jughead?!"

J: "Sorry. I just couldn't listen to them trying to hit on you."

V: "Why do you care if people hit on me?"

J: "Veronica, we've been over this. Your mine. Only mine."

V: "Ok, ok. Can you just tell me-"

I guess she noticed. She stopped her sentence and realized I was staring at her lips, and smirking.

V: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I licked the tip of my thumb and placed my hand on her cheek. I began wiping the bottom and top of her lip. "Your lipstick is smeared, Princess. Who did you make out with?"

V: "First of, ew. Don't you ever think you can lick your thumb and then touch it to my face. Second, why do you-" She realized if she were to ask 'why do you care who I made out with' she would get the same answer as before. I smirked and chuckled at her for remembering. "Who I made out with will be told another day."

J: "Alright then. Well, here's what your doing tonight. Basically, all you need to do is serve drinks. Toni will be helping you with the special requests. If she asks you what your doing there, just tell her you wanted to help out. Or, anything else that has nothing to do with you wanting to join the Serpents, nor us keeping you captive. Got it?"

jealousy ; jughead and veronica; jeronica; vugheadWhere stories live. Discover now