-Part Seven

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Chapter 7
I Said No.

AN: Before you start reading, I have a question... Should I keep Jughead as the bad boy behind closed doors, keep him a bad boy all the time, or keep him nice I guess...?
IDK I just don't know what the people want :/  Anyways, happy reading!

I nodded at him and swung my leg over his bike. I grabbed onto his waist and on we went.

J: "We're gonna stop at my trailer for a second, ok?"

V: "Yeah. But keep in mind, my claustrophobia acts up in small places." I smirked. Simple sarcasm, that's all.

He rolled his eyes at me and we walked in his trailer. It was small, but very homey. I actually think I would want to live here.

J: "I'm going to grab some stuff from my room. Stay here Princess."

I looked around the living room and spotted a soft pink bra under the couch. I scoffed at the thought of him and Betty. It wasn't like it was because of Jealousy.... It's just. I have no idea. He's just been so flirty with me, and I have no clue if I should tell Betty or not. Besides that, I have to work a shift at the Whyte Wyrm so I can join the Serpents. And after that, I can finally go back to school to meet my few friends Archie, Cheryl, and Toni. Jughead too, if this plan doesn't go completely down hill.

Speaking of school, they must be wondering where I am... Who doesn't show up for school on their second day? Jughead also isn't at school... they might be getting suspicious. 'Why are Veronica and Jughead both out on their second day?' 'You think they're doing things together?' those were the only questions on my mind. As much as I was upset about what Betty did to me yesterday, I still feel bad about me hanging out with Jughead and she isn't. They are dating, and I just feel wrong interrupting that.

J: "In deep thought, Ronnie?"

V: "Uhm, yeah actually."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the couch. He sat me down and put my hand back in my lap. "About what?"

V: "Don't you think there's going to be rumors? About us? I mean, we're were both out on the second day of school.. What if people think we're doing stuff together? I really don't want to ruin yours and Betty's relationship with each other..."

J: "Ron, don't worry about it. We will get through it together, as friends, ok? And, your not getting between Betty and I. We've only been dating for a few hours, it's not a big deal. " 

I nodded "Let's just go to bed. Wait, where were we going to sleep?

J: "Yeah about that... Veronica you're taking the bed.

V: "Jughead, please. I'll take the couch."

J: "No, Veronica. You'll be sleeping in my bed tonight."

V: "Jugheadddd!" I winned "Please take the bed! It's your house!"

J: "I said no, Veronica."

At that point, I gave up. I knew I wasn't going to be able to talk him out of it. So, I grabbed my hygiene products with a pout on my face and walked to the bathroom.

I took a shower and realized I didn't have nor did I pack a towel, so I had to ask Jughead if I could borrow one. The last thing I wanted to do.

V: "Jugheadddd!" I screamed from the crack of the door.

J: "What Veronica?"
V: "I need a towel... can you get me one? Please?"

J: "Sure."

He got up from the couch and walked over to the closet, grabbed a towel, and handed it to me from the tiny crack between the door and door frame.

(Hope that makes sense lmao. Basically, the door isn't all the way open... she doesn't have a towel around her so she doesn't want to be naked infront of him obvi)

 she doesn't have a towel around her so she doesn't want to be naked infront of him obvi)

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V: "Oh, and Jughead?"

J: "What else do you need Princess?"

V: "Just... uhm... some pajamas..."

I fiddled with my fingers. I barely knew this kid and I was asking for his clothes and staying in his house. I don't know if this first week of school could get any worse to be honest.

He chuckled at my question and walked to his room. I'm hoping for something for me to wear.

J: "Here."

He handed me one of his S shirts and a pair of sweatpants. I smiled at the smug boy and closed the door. I put on my bra and panties (underwear whatever lol) and then his shirt and sweatpants. The sweatpants were big so I had to roll them up at the top. I honestly don't think I have ever been this comfortable. I walked out of the bathroom to find the Raven Haired Prince watching the classic movie Scream.

V: "A classic horror movie I see?"

He looked over at me

J: "You like Scream?"

V: "One of the first horror movies I've ever watched. It has a special place in my heart. I smiled

J: "D-Do you wanna watch it with me?"

V: "Sure."

I walked over to the boy from the kitchen and sat down on the couch next to him.

J: "You look hot in my clothes, Princess." he smirked

V: "They look hot on you too, Torombolo."

Authors Note!

Yikes, I'm so sorry this is so short. I haven't had time to write lately because of finals and midterms, so I whipped this up last night at like 11:30 :/

Word Count: 938

jealousy ; jughead and veronica; jeronica; vugheadWhere stories live. Discover now