Chapter 21

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Author's POV.

The kiss last three minutes, but for Wayo it's almost stopped his own world, he was hypnotised by Phana's lips, the way he kissed him makes Wayo entire life collapsed by the holy kiss. The whole view of their kiss was like a slow motion, the angle of view the light of the sun brightening up the whole scene, when Phana let go his fluffy lips, it becomes red. Phana still cupping his face and their noses touched together, smelling the breath of each other and their heart beat was like a crazy drums.

The kiss driving him crazy, Wayo lost in his thoughts for the entire kiss, he forgot who he was for the meantime.

When he got back to the reality, Phana's eyes was staring at him, Wayo remembered that, he and him was no commitment at all, what Phana thinks about him? Did Phana playing his heart? What's the meaning of this kiss? What's the meaning of the word 'I missed you' that came out from his mouth? Is this mean missing a friend? There's so many thoughts that playing in his mind.

He mind was messing with his heart, he snap out and suddenly pushed Phana, Phana was surprised to it, but he was puzzled it.

"What's the matter?" Phana said.

"P'Pha, what do you think of me?" Wayo said while staring at him.

"What do you mean by that?"

Wayo forced a smile and said. "You're still jerk." He used his right hand to push Phana shoulder. And turned around to walked away.

Phana was puzzled and catch up with him, he hold his wrist and said. "Why are you running again to me?"

"Are you pretending that you don't know?" Wayo use his other hand to removed Phana's hand to his wrist. "Do you know that I liked you for a very long time, and here you are building my hope and suddenly destroyed it. Your so mean P'Pha. I hate you!" He walked out again.

Phana was hit by lightning by his words. "Thats not true!" He said, Wayo stopped walking and didn't dare to looked at him, his eye's was already teary. "I wouldn't wait
Gyou for very long time if I didn't like you back."

Wayo was stunned but still don't want to looked back.

"How about you? Why you keep running away from me for the whole time? I was dying to wait for you." Wayo walked a few steps again, Phana's heart become heavier more and said. "Wayo! Stopped running away from me! I love you!" He shouted loudly and almost the entire cellphone lot heard what he say. Wayo stunned by his words and he's eye's become teary. "Do you hear me! I said I love you Wayo!" Phana kneeled at the crowd, the people looked at him like their watching a movie. Wayo finally looked at him with a red and teary eyes. "Please... marry me!"

"Whooa!!!" The crowd shouted.

Wayo was embarrassed but this was so romantic, his crush confessed to him and asking for married. Imagine, if your crush asking to be with you what you gonna do, and feel?

Wayo face was red from blushing and his eyes can't stop crying, Phana gave a small curve from his mouth and he reached out his both hands asking for Wayo to gave him a hug. Wayo felt like he was hypnotised by him and he indeed run towards him letting go his luggage and immediately hugged him tightly.

"I... I..*sob. Sob* I wanted to hear that from you for a very long time. *Sob. Sob* I.. you very much" crying out loud while hugging him, Phana was satisfied and patted his back.

"I'm sorry, for making you wait, I thought you're wasn't ready for accepting me. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, what's important.. now.. is.. you have me and I have you.. P'Pha, please... take care of my heart for lifetime." He looked at him and he kissed Phana to his forehead.

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