Chapter 1

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Author's POV.

Wayo, was Junior high at Moonlight University, he was son of the one of the richest man in the whole Thailand. Even he was rich, not all he wants is he able to get, his father and mother always on travel abroad and busy managing their businesses in local and international.

Wayo was the youngest child in this family, he have only one siblings and thats her older sister Yiwha.

At the time he went to college, that is also the time he met his senior Phana, he have a crush on him, but he was scared to death to confess. After three years of following his crush with help of his best friend Mingkwan, finally he have a courage to confess his feelings he only need is the timing.

On the other side, Cantaloupe was the only child, he also don't have parents because of the accident, luckily he have a grandmother who rise him well, he was obedient grandchild to his grandmother.

Can, was lucky enough to have many friends and also lucky to have his best friend Tin. Tin was from rich family but never looked down on him because he was child of poor people, Tin also looked at him like a younger brother and he also looked at him like a older brother.

Even he has a loving grandmother and friends that who always cared for him, he also felt lonely without parents. Like when they have school activities that need parents there, he was shy and sometimes been bullied about being no parents. Even he's been bullied he never let people looked down at him and always fight back.

Tin was always there to help him whenever he need him, and sometimes offered to him more than he need help.

Like if someone who bullied to him, Tin always find that person and personally revenge on him. Example when Can been bullied by group and having a bruise on his face, Tin used his wealth power to punished the whole family and kicked out all of who bullied to Can in the school. Tin was very protective for Can, sometimes even other Can friends he was being mad too. Example when Can friend brought him to a pub, and Can get drunk for the very first time, Tin was very mad at that guy and almost punch him, luckily there's many people there to let them calm.

Sometimes Can friends looked at him like a very possessive boyfriend even Can and Tin was only friends..

Back to the College students, Wayo. Wayo was making his all strength and courage to confess today, all he know was Phana was single and straight. Now the problem is, how can he make Phana like him back?

At the hallway of the faculty, Phana was walking side by side with Beam and Kit, both of them are his best friends.

"Pha, do you know the cute guy from Junior at the other side of building?" Beam asked.

"First I don't know what are you talking about and I don't know who's guy are you telling." He said, looking at his friend Beam and patted his shoulder. "You know that I don't like riddle game just tell it already."

"Ohh, the one that who have crush on him?" Kit is the one who said first.


"Guy's, seriously? I don't know who's your referring at, you know that there's a lot who have crush on me." Phana said. Well it's true that in Moonlight University, Phana was one of the hot guy in the campus, in school forum, the Moonlight University school has a top 10 students not in the brains but in looks.  Phana was at the Top 2 while Tin is in the Top 1 according to school vote forum.

Not to mention Beam and kit also was at the Top. Forth is Top 5 because of his bad boy image, while Beam and Kit is in the top 3-4.

"We know it, but this guy is only guy who have crush on you for 3 years and not to mention he have a cute and fluffy skin." Beam said.

Woke Up Like This[BL](TinCan/PhaYo)CompleteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ