Chapter 20

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Author's POV.

Park was shivered upon seeing the Demigods, he gritted his teeth and brows frowned, he calm himself before tried to escape from the God's. When he stepped out to the zodiac, he suddenly felt a burning from his left arm, he tried to stopped the fire but it's doesn't work out, screaming at pain, Park don't have choice but to cut his own arm by using his own sword.

His blood flow to the floor and he screamed out loud. "Arhhhhhh!!!" He rolled out to the ground because of pain he felt.

A masculine guy came out from the main door of the warehouse, he's eye's was enough to make you BURN, his hands was burning from the fire.

Arthit look at Park and smirked said. "Aries (Forth) fire was the most powerful than ordinary fire, even myself can't compare my fire to himself. You must be lucky it's just a arm." Park eye's darkened.

He groaned loudly and said. "CURSED you!" He suddenly stopped when he heard a loud growl at his back, when he looked at his back he saw a two Lion who's looking at him. It was Korn and Knock. They used they're power to change it to the wild Lion King beasts!

Korn and Knock growled at his face, the lion fangs was sharp and big, Park frightened by them and he tried his best to run but it's too late, Korn and Knock was fast and furious to him. Korn jumped on him and using his fangs to bite his shoulder and neck, Knock bite Park legs and pulled it out. It's looks like, two Lions eating a wild animal.

Pring frowned upon seeing that, he felt shivers down to her body, she gesture her hands to make a dimension to escape from the zodiacs, but Ae was fast, using his sword with coted by the dark magic, he swing his sword and the dark magic was threw to her dimension magic, Ae cutted the dimensions with his magic to prevent Pring from running away.

Pring was frowned, she used her another ability, it was her black fire, the fire that burns people who send to hell, Pring was a daughter of the demon Lucifer, but she was not that powerful than his father.

Waving her hands and the black fire that came from her hands send to Arthit, Arthit was fast enough to react, he used his element earth to block the fire coming to him. Then he jumped on the top of the wall he created, using his wind ability to help his jump make higher, Pring was caught off guard when Arthit used his vines manipulation to tie her up, Pring frowned again, she gritted her teeth and CURSED him as well.

"Demons, prepare for you punishment for killing humans and eating their spiritual energy." Newwie said while walking towards her side by side with Tay (Sagittarius)

"You!! I'll BURN you with me!" she screamed out and vines that hold her, suddenly burned by her black fire, then she send the black fire towards Newwie. Newwie was caught off guard and almost hit by the black fire, luckily, Tay used his magical bow to send a powerful light arrow to hit the black fire. When the black fire hit the light arrow of Tay, it gave a small explosion. She gritted her teeth and said. "I'll BURN you all arrrrhhhh!!" Ae was heard enough from her mouth, he suddenly jumped on the fight, Pring send the black fire to Ae, then Ae did not even blinked his eyes, nor dodging it. Pring saw that Ae was hit by her magic and she laughed. "Hahahah! BURN!!!"

But, suddenly the dark magic who cutted the dimensions before flew from the fire hitting her right leg. Pring eyes widened when she was hit by the magic. She didn't even notice how Ae was still alive and don't have any bruises from her magic. Ae stared at her coldly and said. "Dark magic and darkness is my power, you think that simple magic will work on me?" He smirked.

"How could that even possible!" She knitted her eyebrows. "That fire belongs to demons!"

Pete (Saint) Walked towards her and said. "Ae origin was demons, he was granted to become a Demigods Yang, while I take the power of Yin. The light and dark Yin Yang."

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