Chapter 22 - Momo and Shouto

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Todoroki's POV}

I stood still, the screams and cries still going on. People clawed at the windows and some passed out due to the smoke. I couldn't feel anything, any sadness for the fallen, any anger towards myself, I didn't, I wouldn't, I couldn't feel anything. Until the steel door cracked open.

Her black hair, those dark eyes. A part of me told myself not to kill her, but that part was too small. I lunged at her, ready to strike and murder. But she disappeared in the blink of an eye. Ice spread around the building, putting out my flames and sticking me to the floor, cooling the burns on people as well. She wasn't normal, she was here to end me.

"Who are you," I growled, I cracked the ice glueing me down and jumped out. I searched around the room for her. Soon spotting smashed window in the corner of my eye, she helped the police escape! An emotion rose in me, I was full of anger and so paranoid.. I didn't want to feel.

"Where are you!!" I shouted, in rage I threw a computer to the ground. Shards of glass spilt over the floor. Who was she? What did she want?!

"Do you remember the night we were finally alone?" A feminine voice echoed across the walls, making it hard for me to tell where it came from.
"You cried, and I was there for you. I slept in your arms, with my head on your shoulder,"

What was she getting at? Was she mocking me?! "Fight me!!" I yelled. But the girl still didn't show. She was finding my weaknesses.

"Or the time you came to rescue me? The time I stayed in your room? The Japanese pancakes? I want to spend more time with you, Shouto,"

I spun my head around furiously, her voice bounced off the walls, back and forth, back and forth. It was driving me mad, I couldn't take this. My eyes turning a brighter red, my two canine teeth getting sharper.

"Shouto, you said you loved me,"

I grabbed my hair and squeezed my eyes closed. Two arms gently went around my waistline and curled onto my shoulders. A head in my chest. Her voice became clear as day. She came from right in front of me and only spoke five words.

"I love you too, Shouto".

Her arms tightened around me and gentle sobs came from her. The urge to attack died out of my mind, the red in my eyes faded. But the sharp canine teeth remained.

Tears fell down my cheeks, "Y-Yao... M-M-" I couldn't finish my sentence, I broke into tears and held her tight. Her hand went through my hair. The memories I lost had arrived, and the future unfolded in my mind. She came back for me...

"I thought I lost you Shouto!" She smiled and her sobs became loud cries.

"I love so much, Momo. I just wish you knew how much," My lips crashed into hers. Our hair fluttered up. We both opened our tear stained eyes, only too see our lover closer to us then ever before. I never want to leave her again. I now know how special someone can be, and you never know when they could be ripped away from you. I will spend every chance I get to be with her as if it were my last.

After explaining to the police what had gone down, we sat on the bonnet of a cop car, encased in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate. I put my left arm around her as she lay her head down on my chest. We talked for hours, no uncomfortable silences, no sadness. She is a girl I will never conquer, a mystery I will never fully know, but I will keep chasing her.

I sipped my hot chocolate as the clear night came into view. Ambulances and cops were leaving now, surprisingly, no lives were lost, thanks to Momo. The last embers were put out and the pros left the sight. The bright lights and sirens slowly faded out and the cop booted us off his car. We ran off into the night giggling and carrying on.

We stood outside UA. The blanket was rolled up in Shoutos right arm and his left hand in mine. We stared at the gigantic building, white and yellow lights glimmering on our faces like stars. The cool night air seemed to fade away now that we were here again.

We entered the Dorms, all the lights were out. I looked at my watch, '11:47PM' I guess it's time to say goodnight to Momo... or...

We looked at the popcorn spinning around on inside the microwave. Popcorn meant one thing, movie. And watching a movie with Momo, twice as good. I wonder what we will watch, how long we will stay up, if I might even get to kiss her once more... its like there's a never ending party going on, and a party I actually like.

*Beep! Beep!*

Momo pulled the popcorn out, "hot, hot, hot" She whispered to herself as she dropped the steaming hot bag on the kitchen bench. I grabbed it with my right hand and cooled it down a bit for her. Momo yawned making me slightly look over at her.
"Still up for a Movie? You look pretty tired," I said to her.

She put her hand on her chest and turned to me with a fake offended look, "Me? Tired? Never!" She joked making me start laughing and her raise an eyebrow.

I sat on the couch while she fiddled with the laptop. I looked in the corridor once a loud yawn came to my ears. Kaminari stretched his arms out and rubbed his eyes.

"Yaomom-" He went to say. Of course, he didn't know where I was. But his eyes... there were tears once he saw my face.

He screamed, "Todoroki!" And flung into my arms. I was still processing everything, which was hard to do at midnight and just after everything that happened.

His wobbly face come out of my chest to face me, "Y-Y-Y-Your.."

"Alive," The rest of our class stood staring, shaky knees, tears.
The only light was from the television, faded colour washing over their faces. They ran up to me and before I knew it my friends had their arms around me.

I couldn't help but notice that from over their heads.. Dabi!

I shot out of the group hug, "It's one of the Villains!!" I yelled. But no one seemed anywhere near afraid or even ready to fight. They just stood there awkwardly.

Kirishima put a hand on my shoulder, "He's your brother".

Well that was fun to write. Sorry I didn't post for a while, I hope your enjoying the story though!

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