Chapter 7 - The Question

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Yaoyorozu's POV}

Sorry my phones really weird and somehow gave the first few paragraphs a font, so, sorry.

I explained to everyone that Todoroki and I do not see each other as sexual and are just good friends. As the vice class rep, talking to them was a walk in the park, I'm not sure how it went with Todoroki but seeing that he wasn't around, it went badly for him. Never the less we are all friends and I shall treat my classmates with the upmost respect.

The walked off and I went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Once I stepped through the door I was introduced to the most delicious smell off all time.
"Midoriya, where is that scent coming from?" I asked him curiously.

He pointed towards a plate of Japanese pancakes, I immediately went towards the note on the side.

Dear Yaoyorozu,

I'm sorry for the weird things I had said. I made you a plate of Japanese pancakes as an apology. I hope this makes up for my mistakes. Enjoy.


I held my hand to my mouth with the feeling of crying, "He's such a sweet talker!" I yelled aloud.

"Are you alright Yaoyorozu?" Midoriya asked like his usual 'awkward around girls' self.

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" I wined telling Midoriya that I was, yes, fine.

I took the plate into the lounge and sat with the girls who were talking about Bakugo. Then talking about him wasn't to rare, we usually talked about guys and Bakugo is quite good looking, I guess, second to Todoroki of course- nope nope nope, Todoroki is off the bench, but-nope.

"I mean he's hot, in like the bad boy way. You know?" Ashido added to the conversation making me cringe.

Uraraka obviously doesn't like him after he harmed Midoriya countless times, or probably even since the first time he made fun of Midoriya, "He is horrible! How could you like him? Bakugo only wants to hurt people, that's how he is, and there's nothing to it," Uraraka commented seeming stirred up by not just the conversation but by something else, Kirishima looked over at her and scrunched up his face, he begun walking over to the unsatisfied girl.

I did not want to see what happens, as vice class rep, I'm handing this argument to Iida to take care of, I made eye contact with Tenya for a split second and could immediately tell he didn't want to be left alone here, I smiled at him being the cheeky person I am and decided a trip to town would be nice.

In the The Belmont coffee shop...

It was a cold morning and I had about five scarfs around my neck. The shop was empty, just me and the barista- she's gone too? Hm, guess it's just me.

I held my latte tight and sipped on it every once in a while. The boutiques bell rung and in walked the most handsome boy I have ever seen. He was tall, masculine, two different coloured eyes.

"Hey Yaoyorozu," He said directly.

He sat down at my table, "How was breakfast?" Todoroki asked me, I didn't even try it!! I was to busy in my own mind I forgot about his pancakes...

"I can't believe how good a cook you are, it looks fantastic, but there were 'complications' and I didn't get to try it. But Japanese pancakes are a desert, so maybe tonight I shall try your dish," I said sipping my drink once again with my upmost genuin smile.

There was silence for a bit, but this silence wasn't at all awkward and embarrassing it usually was, something else.

There was something different about Todoroki today, he seemed more... stern, today, but at the same time just us being in the shop was somehow such a relief it made me happier then I normally am.
We both stared into each others eyes, I studied him carefully before he spoke up.
"Yaoyorozu," Todoroki said. I had heard him say my name so many times, through smiles, yells and sometimes even laughter which was rare for him, but he said my name differently, as if he was chasing after me. I felt myself blush as he held out his hand, "Lets get out of here,"

We walked out of the shop and begun our journey towards... where were we going?

"Where are we going Todoroki?" I asked him curious.

He mumbled a bit while still looking forwards.
"Well, I have a few places in mind but if there's anywhere you are wanting to go," He turned to me and offered.

Hmm, "I will let you decide," I said with a mischievous smile, he smirked at me again... what was he planning?...

We talked for hours on end, mainly about school at first but then drifting over to our personal lives and how we lived outside of school. Our conversation finally ended when we stopped outside a huge Japanese mansion.

"You first Yaoyorozu," Todoroki said, he opened up the gate and a whole garden of beauty came into view. I gazed in awe at the magnificent sight until Todoroki held my hand and walked me into the house.

Once through the door I was 'greeted' by the one and only Endeavor. Todoroki only responded to him with "Father,"
I didn't know to much about Endeavor, but I knew Todoroki hated him, I didn't know why, maybe this is why Todoroki brung me here? To tell me about his family??

He led my out the the back of his home and sat down. The back of household was a giant section without any flowers this time, or even grass.

"This is were I use to train," Todoroki said to me almost as if he was hurt in someway. I looked closely at his training ground and noticed... blood.
"Todoroki!" I went to look at him, now understanding the pain and torture he had gone through just so he could be an acceptable hero.

"Yaoyorozu... that's the blood of mine, my brothers, my sisters and even my mothers," He took of his shirt so show bruises and scars covering his back, "It's horrible here. My brothers and my sister are stuck here, punch after punch. I want t-to get them out of h-here," Todoroki stood still, as if he had given up, I ran over to him and keeled down.

I hugged him, tears not on filling his eyes but mine, "I will get them out of here Todoroki... I will get them out of here," I said to him, my arms wrapped around him tightly, my head next to his. His duel hair was so soft, and always made me happy when I spotted it in a crowd.
I wanted him to feel the same, I just wanted him to be happy.

He hugged me back.

Lets just hope Iida is okay back at the dorms. A fight between class mates? Monomar will love that.

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