Chapter 21 - When The Lights Go Out

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Yaoyorozu's POV}


My toast popped up out of the toaster, slightly burnt but it's better then eating ashes.

Ever since he left... nothing, and I mean nothing has been normal or nice to me. I mean, Dabi, the villain who not even the pros could catch is having a sleepover with Kaminari. And I'm here being a wet towel, doing nothing but eating burnt toast!

I sighed and walked to Kaminari's room with a slightly burnt bread slice sticking out of my mouth.
I knocked on the door, my face still mopey and dull.

"Who is it?" Kaminari chirped, I heard him shuffling over to the door.

I dropped my toast onto my plate, "Just me, Kami," I replied. He opened the door and light spilled in, blinding me.
"Very bright," I said squinting my eyes closed. I stepped in and Kaminari took my plate.

"Thanks for the bread, we were going to get some but guess you were too fast!" He laughed, I sat down on his bedside and actually bothered to look up, which I mildly regret.

Dabi looked at me awkwardly.
I looked at him awkwardly.

"It's a lot easier then using a 'Stove' you see," Dabi explained while he sat topless on his stomach, blue flames gently burning of his back while Kaminari cracked eggs and bacon onto them.

I gagged at the sight, "Your not eating that are you?" I asked looking more dead inside then ever. Kaminari nodded and flipped them over with a spatula.

"Well I'm going to go. Forget about giving me breakfast..." I got changed into my uniform and headed to class. I couldn't help but realise the empty seat next to me... reminding me of only sadness.

Sue waltzed over to me, "Are you feeling any better Yaomomo?" She asked putting a hand on my shoulder and crouching down, "You can't stay this way forever, Yaomomo. We know he's gone, and you loved him, but he wouldn't want to get in the way of your dreams,"

I sighed, "I know... but my dreams... he was always in them. I feel lost now," I mumbled, the palm of my hand connecting with my cheek.

Aizawa sensei glided into class and everyone sat down; Thanks to Iida anyway.

"Morning class. As you know, the holidays are over. And many of you want to speak about what happened in the holidays. But you can't, because we are working on a practical exam," Aizawa Sensei announced. Practical... exam... the memory of our last one shot through my mind like a bullet, I was with Shouto then.

"Meet outside with your original partners".

But, how could I? Shouto is gone. Aizawa sensei doesn't even know! How do I deal with this?! I struggled to hold back tears, and eventually my face dropped back into my hands, making them damp and uncomfortable.
But no one noticed, I'm not sure if was good, bad or meant something had changed in me...
Or just meant I messed up.

I couldn't do anything now! I'm useless! A mess! Sobs began and I gained a few eyes. I couldn't take this! I shoved the chair out from underneath me and ran out the door, just like I always do.

"Sometimes it just helps to go for a walk, clear your mind, ya know?" I remember Izuku and Uraraka once saying to me, he is right, a walk always clears the mind, or helps you get on a better track. I wiped my tears. Page 38, be resilient. A hero must always stand tall and smile even if times are tough.

I got up and took a walk around the halls. A notification came up on my phone, I went to go look.

Breaking news! Police department being burned down! Many people inside and can't escape, even the pros don't have the right quirks! Who will come!

In shock, I continued reading, gaining information about this crisis at hand. "Being caused by a human with a fire quirk. We don't know how many are dead or alive, but this disasters hit at 7am this morning and has been going on for an hour. Neighbors and shop owners also on 20th Akasuki street have been evacuated..."

Did Bakugou steal his quirk? I must go! I hero never holds back!!

I sprinted into city, skidding around corners and not stopping. Until I got to a crowd of people surrounding the blazing tower. I skidded to a halt once the cries and screamed from the building came to my ears. I could feel myself holding back, but I know I shouldn't. Shouto wanted me to continue with my dreams to become a hero.

I stepped forward, my steps turning into strides as I zapped past the pros shouting at me to come back.

I broke through the window and was quickly submerged in the fiery heat. Think Momo, think! How to destroy Bakugou and save lives aswell.
I stood there helplessly, and the feeling arose once more, but now that feeling I had, it had only turned into one more reason why I need to end this here and now.

for Shouto.

My phone began buzzing,

Jiro is calling.

Why now? Out of all the times she could have called me. I rejected the call and sped up the stairs. Once up the first flight of stairs I spotted a giant hole in the wall. I peered in... only to find a man, so young, blood running down his face...

"H-... Hel... p..." He groaned in pain. Bakugou.. grr.. I laid my hand on his head and popped an ointment out. A while ago I asked Recovery girl what the trick to her quirk was, I am now just as good at saving as I am at combat. He got up out of the hole and thanked me, he ran out the building and I continued running up to the top story.

I treated at least nine people along the way until I came across a wall of ice... He stole Shouto's quirk... My breaths became louder and heavier. My hair spilt over my face. "Bakugou... you are going to pay for taking his life..." I slammed my hands against the ice covered door, melting it with the fire from my palms. I slammed the door open and walked through an ice tunnel, only fueling my urge to avenge Shouto. But once that door opened...

Hello, I'm going through some things at the moment, and I think soon I might be out of them. But it's really taken a toll on my well-being so maybe when these chapters lighten up, it might be the same for me. Well, I hope your enjoying the book so far, please vote and comment.

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