Never Enough

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It was noon, time for lunch. Louis was waiting by the lockers for Harry so they go to lunch together. He was starving, as he'd overslept that morning, so had missed breakfast. He heard his stomach rumble and sighed.

Harry appeared from behind him, making him jump.

"Bloody hell H, i wish you wouldn't creep up on me lad!" Louis shouted.

" Sorry Lou, was funny though. Come on let's see what shitty food we have on offer today! " Harry laughed as the two boys left the hallway, heading for the canteen.

Harry got a chicken salad sandwich, an apple and a bottle of water. Louis chose a burger, crisps and a can of coke. They paid and sat down at a table with their other friends, Liam, Niall and Zayn.

"Alright lads!" Louis yelled over the noisy room, taking a seat next to Niall. Harry sat between Louis and Liam.

They all ate their lunch, chatting about football and what they did at the weekend.

"I'm still hungry!" Niall said. "There's never enough good food here. Hey...we should go out for a nandos one night. How about Saturday?" He enthused.

" sounds good" the others agreed.

Harry had folded his arms on the table and placed his head on it, feeling very tired. The other boys paid no attention carrying on with their conversations. He fell asleep.

After 10 minutes they decided to go outside for a bit until lunch break was over. Louis looked down at Harry.

"Is he ok Lou?" Liam asked. " he seems to sleep a lot here".

"I know, I've noticed. Maybe he doesn't sleep well at home. I'll ask him later".

Louis  gave Harry a prod and he woke up, bleary eyed.

" Huh! What? " he slurred.

"Come on sleepy head, we're going outside for a bit. You coming?" Louis asked him.

" Uh...ok" Harry got up from his seat and followed his friends out to the school field.

They sat down under one of the many trees that lined the long field.

Harry laid back, putting his sunglasses on. It was early September and the weather was still nice. Blue sky, a couple of clouds, and a nice warm breeze blew around them.

The boys were all chatting again.

"So...we're definitely going to nandos then, yeah?!" Niall asked excitedly. "That's my favourite place in the whole entire universe!" The others laughed.

" i think we already know that Nialler, you must spend a fortune in that place" Zayn gave him a playful shove.

"Well...I'm gonna gave the sunset burger, chicken wings and chips and ice cream for afters" Niall was already excited.

"God sake Niall, it's only Monday, you don't need to decide yet" Liam laughed.

"Well..just being prepared" He laughed too. "Hey Harry! What are you gonna have?" He asked but got no reply.

" H!? " he shoved Harrys foot, still getting no response. "Is he asleep again?"

Louis moved over to Harry shoving him gently, removing his glasses, to show that, yes, he was sleeping again.

"This isn't right lads. He shouldn't keep sleeping like this" he gave another shove, waking him up.

" keep falling asleep lad...are you feeling ok?" Louis asked quietly, looking worried.

Harry sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawned.

"I just feel tired a lot lately. Don't know why" he yawned again.

It was getting near the end of lunch break, so the boys all got up, saying their 'see ya laters' and heading off in different directions. Except for Harry and Louis who both had a maths lesson together.

Louis looked cautiously at Harry.

" would tell me if there was something wrong, or something was bothering you?" He asked.

Harry looked at him, eyes droopy. "Yes, course i would Lou". He smiled.

They reached their classroom and sat at their table, waiting for the other students and their teacher to arrive.

As the class went on, Louis was growing more concerned about his best friend, kept stealing quick glances. He was sure there was something wrong.

Harry kept his head down, but didn't seem to be doing much work.

" H? " Louis whispered. "Are you sure you're ok? You don't look it".

Harry looked up at Louis. He truly looked terrible. His eyes were glassed over, he was very pale, and sweating.

" i don't feel well. My head feels weird" he replied, as a tear appeared in the corner of his left eye.

"Ok....I'm gonna tell the teacher".

Louis got up and walked to the front of the class where their teacher, Mrs Murs, was marking some books, she stopped and looked up at Louis. "Everything ok?" She asked.

" No Miss. Harry's not feeling well, should i take him to the medical room? " he Said.

Mrs Murs looked towards Harry and agreed that he should take him.

Louis walked back and told Harry they were leaving.

As they were heading to see the nurse, Harry suddenly stopped. "H? What's up?" Louis was really scared because Harry now looked so ill.

Harry didn't get a chance to answer, as he suddenly swayed and dropped to the floor.

He was shaking violently, a frightening sight for Louis


Oh no! Poor Harry. xx

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