Chapter 31: Nathan (Part 1)

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New Year's followed Christmas into the past as mid-January rolled around and the cold really set in

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New Year's followed Christmas into the past as mid-January rolled around and the cold really set in. There was no snow out, but it was frigid outside. Too cold for them to play basketball, they were often in the house and spent time doing other things.

After Maggie realized that Julian had Nathan using his window as a mode of transportation, she unlocked his door to promote safer travel for everyone involved. The whole reason he'd been isolated to begin with was that, thus far, he'd had a hard time interacting normally with people.

Maggie was happy that Julian was doing a lot better than when she had brought him here, but very unhappy that he'd been sneaking out of the house. Nathan assured Maggie that Julian had been well behaved and even pleasant to spend time with, so she had forgone punishing him. Even with the room open, Julian still spent most of his time up there.

Today, Nathan was in the car again. It had been slow going, as Nathan was nervous of more than just being in it with Ian. Driving was something he'd never really done. Nathan had gotten his permit in high school, but he'd never actually been behind the wheel of a vehicle. They'd been out every day this week, so it wasn't like he was awful, but it had taken time.

They'd rolled around a vacant lot for his first outing, and Ian had nearly laughed him out of the car for not knowing where everything was. Now he knew where most things were, but he was having issues telling where his car was relative to the curb and other cars. When he pulled up to the side of the road, he was still a foot off from it, and while he could stay in his lane, he managed to park with the line directly under the car every time.

The more hopeless he was, the more Ian enjoyed taking him out. Ian was a good teacher. Patient, soft-spoken, and calm, he was amazing, and Nathan really appreciated it. Ian had toned back his space invading, so while the man still made him uneasy at times, he didn't force him into any corners nearly as much.

It was pleasant.

Life was really starting to get pleasant.

"So when do you think I'll have my license?" Nathan asked as he stopped at a stop sign. He was getting better at not hitting the breaks so hard that the car jerked back. They were rolling through some of the less populated backstreets to avoid him rolling over a person.

"Is never an answer?" Ian laughed, leaning against the window to watch how close he was to the edge of the street.

"I'm getting better," Nathan argued.

"The light's red," Ian said quickly, and Nathan hit the brakes. There was no one at these intersections right now, but he had almost blown it while looking at Ian.

"Dammit." Nathan shifted into reverse and pulled himself back out of the intersection with a sigh. Ian laughed next to him, and Nathan threw a mint at him. They were stacked in the center console holder, and Nathan had been enjoying weaponizing them.

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