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       CJ was laying with Peter as her held her securely. She was crying tears of anguish for her fallen friend. After their intimate playtime, they had received a message from Elise. It stated that Jameson Nie had been brutally murdered. It was devastating to hear. Especially considering that whoever killed him had used the same method as Abbie, Mason, and Dr. Channing. The poor neonate sobbed in her husband's arms, but eventually cried herself to sleep with her guardian. That night, she had a nightmare. She opened her eyes, they were violet. She sat up slowly to avoid waking her husband. The young woman winced from the sudden pain in her ribs. Panic stricken, she quickly got dressed and exited through the front door. 

     Soon, she was back at the dark club. It was closed, given that was no one around, let alone music playing. She was dismayed and knocked rapidly out of desperation. The door finally opened, but it was by Carlos. He was surprised to see her, let alone this late. There were actually tears in her eyes.

"I-I didn't know where else to go." She sniffled. "This place--it's always on my mind."

    Carlos sat down across from her. To her delight, they were not in the VIP room or on the catwalk. It was very quiet with no music or people, and bright with no dark mood lighting. He noticed that she had been crying. He also noticed that the young woman wasn't wearing any shoes. He handed her a tissue. "I'm sorry about your friend. People process death differently." He leaned closer. "I am also sorry, about lying to you."

CJ looked at him. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"For the same reasons that you didn't--fear, shame." He exhaled. "Have you been in any pain lately?"

She was shocked, but nodded.

"It's...a neonate thing. The only way to make it stop, is to let go and give in."

"G-Give in? To what?" 

"Whatever you've been desiring. Stop avoiding it, and just take what you want."

His words were making her uncomfortable. She knew of only two desires: the one where she  made love to him, and the one where she would murder for pleasure.

She stood to her feet and chuckled nervously. "That's ridiculous. Do you even take your own advice? Did you experience any pain?"


She scoffed in disbelief.

"It's true!"

"Really? And what was your desire, huh?"

"Not...keeping you to myself."

CJ looked away. "D-Don't talk like that! I have a husband, you know. I love with all my heart."

He stood and approached her. "Then, why are you here with me?"

"S-Stop doing that!"

"What?" He smirked seductively, she pushed passed him but he grabbed her from behind and bit into her neck harshly. She gasped from the pain as the dark blood flowed down her spine and filled his mouth. Her eyes shifted to yellow as he did this. The pain made her recoil and moan.

[I can't let you leave this time.] He thought as her body went limp in his hold.

(TSF 6 or The Sub-sequent Fate) Eradication #6Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora