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    Hey guuuuyz!!! XD


    More days had continued, and CJ found herself at the last place that she'd ever thought of being. Sodality Asylum had left a strange impression on her, one that she found intoxicating to say the least. It was easy to get permission from her guardian, she simply told him that she needed to clear her head. What she didn't explain, was why. At the club, she watched the people from above on the catwalk. She breathed slowly as she saw the dancers move and sway to the beats. 

CJ smirked amusingly. Her new outfit made her look like one of the regulars who frequented there. She blended right in with her head to toe black clothes and leather jacket. The neonate closed her eyes to breathe in the atmosphere. 

A voice alerted her, it was loud through the pulsing music. "So, you're back!"

She opened her eyes, and there he was. Still catching her eye with his radikal yet con-serve style. He was donning a black velvet high neck solid sweatshirt, black blazer with white stripe cuffs, metal necklaces, dark jeans and boots. Carlos was beautiful and alluring in a dark way. The first moments with Peter were much different. He was charming, handsome, brave, and funny with is radikal personality and laughter. The two men were polar opposites, and she liked it that way.

She chuckled nervously. "L-Looks like it!" She kept her eyes forward to avoid his gaze. "After the first time--! I-I guess I couldn't stay away!"

He chuckled. "The Asylum has that affect on people!" He stepped closer, his soft was quieter now. "But, is that the only reason you came back here?"

She turned to look at him, his inquisitive glare was overwhelming to her. "Y-Yeah." She faced the crowd again. 

He moved behind her, the music had changed to something slower. "I though it was because of what happened between us."

She turned to look at him, but she was nervous. "I-I--"

"It's okay, you don't have to be ashamed."

"N-Nothing happened, Carlos." 

"Really?" He grabbed her hand. "You call undying attraction...nothing?" 

CJ felt this strange arousal resonating from his touch, but she ignored it and nodded proudly. Carlos stood closer to her, and she felt herself stepping closer too. He ran his other hand up her arm and caressed her neck. The young woman couldn't lie to herself anymore, she was having feelings for this man. A man that she barely knew, but was drawn to.

[Okay, maybe I DID come to see him.] She thought as she relished in his devious touch.

He leaned closer and whispered in her ear. "I'm glad you're here."

His voice stimulated her and she felt her eyes shift to yellow. She gasped and pulled away, she turned to leave but he grabbed her wrist.

"Don't go."

She kept her eyes closed and her back to him. "I have to, you wouldn't understand."

"Look at me."


"Look at me. Please...CJ."

Hearing that name shocked her, she looked at him with suspicion but she was surprised. Carlos' eyes were glowing yellow. They were just like hers.

"You're a neonate."

He nodded painfully. She pulled and ran off.  The young man didn't chase after her, he simply watched her leave.

(TSF 6 or The Sub-sequent Fate) Eradication #6Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat