13-Months Later

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      The evening had set in, and it was actually April. CJ drove up to the Cabin. She was officially released from her sentence known as House Arrest, due to a decrease in dead bodies and victims. Peter had vouched for her, concerning activities and outings. But what he didn't know was about the times that she felt something for the mystifying Carlos. After his secret was revealed, she decided to avoid him completely. One neonate was bad enough, but two? It wasn't exactly easy, being that she practically dreamed of the Asylum every night and could never forget his touch. She exhaled and focused on the task at hand. She received a message from Tense inviting her to the cabin for a Welcome Back Party. Even though she had been in Madjesko for months now, CJ accepted and used it as a distraction. Having fun with her friends was better than being alone or thinking about the environment of the dark club. The neonate grabbed her purse and headed to the porch. 

(TSF 6 or The Sub-sequent Fate) Eradication #6Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora