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    Brielle was enjoying her time off. She and her twins were having a picnic on the grass in Hollings Park. Marcus Driver was there as well, he rocked the children back and forth as they smiled. He noticed the young woman's HC Receiver chiming and the fact that she was reluctant to answer it.

"What if it's important, Bree?" He asked

"It's David." She sighed. "He wants to see the kids."

"What's wrong with that? He has the right as their dad."

"I disagree. He wasn't there when I was pregnant with them in the first place."

"Bree, he was trapped back in time--inside of a medieval prison. It wasn't his fault, so you shouldn't hold that against him."

"No. He's made all kinds of dog jokes in the past, for as long as I've known him. Doin' it to me is one thing. But, I'm not gonna subject my children to that, Marcus!"

"Brielle, they don't even have powers."

"You don't know that. T-They could just be late bloomers."

"Hey, what are you afraid of?"


The mysto sighed and touched her hand. "He's already seen them once, remember?"

"You're just takin' his side 'cause you guys have some kind of bromance."

"Just message your mom, and tell her that you're takin' the twins to David's. I'll come with you if you're still worried."


He nodded. "if he does anything to upset you guys--I'll send him back to the Dark Ages."

"Make it...the Stone Age with the dinosaurs?"

He chuckled and gave her two quick kisses on her lips. Both of their devices rang with an incoming message: ELKENAH COURTHOUSE- CODE YELLOW. The couple packed up quickly and headed to the Officiates, but they dropped off the twins at their father's first.

      Chancellor Lulu Hussock was examining the file folders in front of her carefully. She exhaled and looked over to her right. Keith Nie was there, she looked over to her right and so more of her fellow judges at the large podium. Present were Poté Raju Batra of DeSille, Valerie Chambers, and the warrior; Julian Clark. They all possessed folders and were called in to be vocal on such a delicate case. The defendant, Sydney Campbell awaited their responses patiently. She looked behind her and up at the balcony above. Her parents and everyone was there, everyone except Bailey that is. Nick was there too, he gave CJ an enthusiastic thumbs up, but it didn't reassure her in the slightest. She locked eyes with Peter and quickly turned around. She sighed with frustration and he watched in concern. He noticed the balcony with the opposing side, they were ones who believed she was guilty.

[I'll believe her...no matter what.] He thought and looked at all of the spectators who considered her to be a murder. She was truly outnumbered.

"Sydney Campbell," Keith began. "You are being accused of the murder of Abigail Forrest. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty."

Valerie interjected. "You and the victim shared a history didn't you?"

"Yes. She...injected me with a deadly virus, that eventually killed me."

Peter felt confused. What virus was she talking about? And when did she die?

"And you resented her for that?" Julian asked

"Yes, a lot. But, I would never kill any--!" The murdered driver's bloody face flashed through her mind. She gulped. "I-I didn't kill Abbie."

"The evidence says otherwise," Raju added. "According to the results, your DNA was found on the victim's body. But, it was the only trace found."

The spectators murmured amongst themselves. Her friends and family were shocked and scared for her, those results couldn't be right. This new development could change the verdict entirely, not to mention everyone's opinion of her.

"Sydney Campbell." The Chancellor commented. "Is it true that Abigail Forrest was your enemy?"

"Yes, she wanted me dead."

"And it was she who injected you with the virus?"

"She...was under the order of Charles Mathis. But, yes."

"Do you still plead not guilty?" Julian asked


"But, what about your...therapist?" The warrior looked over his files. "A Gloria Channing? Her insides were yanked out her body, the same goes for Abigail."

"W-What?" CJ was dismayed by this. She hadn't even seen the doctor in a few days since she left.

He continued. "You were the last one to see the victim, Abigail Forrest alive. And according to the security footage--you were the last one to see the doctor as well."

"Murderer!" Someone shouted

"Neonate monster! You deserve to be killed AGAIN!" Someone else added

The young woman felt something heat up inside of her as the loud cries of doubt continued.

"QUIET!" Keith expressed and everyone did just that. The young woman felt lost for words. She turned around to look at her friends. They appeared as fearsome as she was. she hung her head in disappointment. But, someone touched her shoulder and she felt a tingling of hope. Jameson Nie smiled gently at her. 


He stepped forward and spoke proudly. "Jameson Nie speaking on Miss. Campbell's behalf. Officiates, this outbreak has clearly taken every witness here by surprise. I propose that we take a brief recess to better prepare ourselves."

The judges looked at each other and nodded. CJ immediately ran outside to get some air. The mysto chased after her.

(TSF 6 or The Sub-sequent Fate) Eradication #6Where stories live. Discover now