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    At the Madjesko Town Prison, a guard lead an inmate down a hall. The employee opened a gate with a code on the keypad. The prisoner was a woman, and she was being released early for good behavior. Her dark hair needed to be combed through, and her grey uniform needed to be removed. She approached a small service window. There was another guard inside.


"A-Abigail Forrest." The woman answered, the clerk handed her a small bag.

"These are your belongings. You'll be assigned a Probation Officer, and he or she will visit you. You are expected to be present for every meeting with said officer as compliance of your release. Is that clear?"


"Good. Get dressed, sign the clipboard, and be on your way."

Abbie did just that and finally exited. A loud buzzer sounded and the Entry Gate slid open. The sun was bright so she shielded her eyes with sunglasses. The woman inhaled the chilly air and sighed with content. She had done a lot of bad things in the past, and she faced every consequence. True, she murdered a few Rangers. But their deaths were in self-defense. She had served her time and was ready for her second chance. Abbie was ready. Ready to face her new life as a law-abiding citizen, ready to see her family, and most of all she was ready to have a new beginning.


    A familiar voice caught her attention. Mason Wallace was standing in the road with her car. He leaned against the hood as he smirked. She couldn't believe her eyes. There he was, waiting for her.

She approached him. "You're...here."

"Of course." He embraced her. "Welcome back, Miss Forrest."

"M-Mason." Tears streamed down her cheeks as she squeezed him tightly. "I missed you." She looked up at him and he kissed her lips. Abbie simply responded by pulling him closer. She had never felt like she belonged anywhere, but at that moment she knew. Mason was her true home.

(TSF 6 or The Sub-sequent Fate) Eradication #6Where stories live. Discover now