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Here is another "Dear God" poem. Enjoy.

Dear God,

Please listen

to my few simple words,

I'm begging and pleading 

for me to be heard.

Why must I doubt,

when praying your name?

Sometimes I think

Jesus never came.

But I want to have faith,

really I do!

But I see nothing of the

spirit, of you!

I don't want to die,

or maybe I do?

All of this junk,

just has me confused.

How do I know

your name isn't Zeus?

And your married to Hera?

Please give me some clues!

As I write these words,

I'm afraid I'll become

buried in Hell

by Jesus your son.

But I still can't believe,

and I don't know why.

For I have doubted you

since I was five.

I started with a question,

"Is God real?"

"Don't say such things,

and keep your lips sealed."

And then time passed,

and you hated gays,

and suicide victims.

So I just couldn't say

Who I believed anymore,

I really just can't.

Dear God say something,

as I end my long rant

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