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I sit here

My phone not buzzing

My parents stomping

My heart is racing

No one to talk to

a judge at the front

The trial has

Gone on for a month

Secrets come forward

That were buried deep

Things such as illness

And things that will beat

Up the judge

How could this happen

Since i was a little girl

In the house that i napped in

But no one to talk to

For 14 long years

No one to come forward

And dry off my tears

When the judge asks me

Where i want to go

I say to my friend's house

Yet the judge just says no

I have to pick

A angry mother?

to runaway

A angry father?

I wouldn't stay

But here is my choice

I say here today

the truth i must hoist

That my life has been hell

Since i was born

But I'm sure

There are more worse to mourn

But the judge says

This is a court

Not a speech trial

This is divorce

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