The Strange House

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An English Assignment for you all to enjoy. I would also like to remind that Copyright is lawfully bound. Enjoy!


I really would have
gone to see
the little house
Beyond the trees.

The mystery says,
if it were true,
that a family lives there
cowered in gloom.

Maybe I could have,
if I was brave.
Or if my own family
thought I'd behave.

Because I think its horrid
to live like that.
Surrounded by rumors
Of living like rats.

I think that I should have
said "Hello" to the girl.
She always seemed sad,
her hair knotted in whirls.

Many think she lives
in the place of gloom.
Those who think that
think of her doomed.

I might have gone there,
to that little girl's home.
If I wasn't so scared
of being all alone.

So it stays a mystery
The house all so plain.
No investigations,
they think there's no gain

Now I feel bad,
about what I have not done.
What I would have,
Could have,
Should have,
Might have,

Is now none.

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