Goodbye Friend

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You are wandering father

going astray

why can't you be here

be friend and just stay

Because you go away

much more than before

you are leaving our friendship

you are closing the door

The walls are closing

I have no friend

I have no glee

They all left me

Because I'm nuts

Except for you

Till now you must

I am bad on you

I have no person

I'm worthless and stupid

I am much worse than

What you are

I know you think

you understand

But my lifes no tink

My parents think

my poems are dark

little do they know

they come from my heart

Happiness is gone

don't you see?

I'm letting you goo

I'm letting you free

I'm sorry I put

this pain on you

I hope this is

enough of a clue

I will miss you

very much in fact

I wave to you

For now I've cracked

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